Tag Archives: seven lamps


There is no doubt that the candlesticks of Revelation represent the churches and their responsibility to be a light to the world. First, the seven churches represent each local church of Asia Minor made of individuals and collectively. Jesus had a message for them. But each church also describes the conditions of local churches of today. Even further, they represent the historical events of the church’s journey through time. Next, we can see ourselves in the council given each church.

So we have an individual responsibility to respond to the council.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

This phrase is made to each of the seven churches. How vital, then, is the message to individuals?  The ultimate purpose of God the Father, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit is to improve and correct each church, each individual.

“The mystery (hidden truth) of the…seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.” Revelation 1:20

The oil that feeds the lamp represents the church’s dependence on the work of the Holy Spirit to provide the light of the truth as found in Jesus Christ. Each church experiences different manifestations of the Holy Spirit because each has different situations and needs. Jesus walks among them, serving each of the churches individually and meeting them where they are.

The Holy Spirit manifests the reality of Jesus’ presence among the churches. The churches must pay heed to the message and recognize the authority of the One speaking to them.

“As the various churches are weighed and discussed, the living Christ is seen in action among His own people. They do not appear to them as the terrible sovereign on the throne or the conqueror riding to battle. He walks among them as a Lord who seeks to command their virtues even more than exposing and punishing their faults. These letters are His particular warning and counsel to the church of all time as the various aspects appear under the guise of the seven historic places.” Merrill C. Tenney

The strong appeal of the book of Revelation to Christians today is to follow the Lord’s way in proclaiming the gospel message to the world. It is, therefore, the sacred duty of the church to present Jesus Christ—his character and ministry—in a way that meets the people where they are. The symbolic representation of the church as the seven-branched lampstand denotes that the church has the full support of the Holy Spirit and a full task to perform. The first duty is to be the light to the world—to proclaim Jesus in words and action.

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Matthew 5:14

Through the church today, Christ meets people with aspects of Himself which correspond to their own life circumstances and relate to their individual needs. The church is the only light that Jesus shines through. For the church to fail in her role is to lose her reason for existence; her lampstand will be removed.

“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.” Revelation 2:5

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

A church or individual who does not let the light of Jesus flow through them is as worthless as salt that has lost its flavor. The resources of heaven are at the church’s disposal to rectify the shortcomings of all things. But it is of little consequence if we don’t repent and turn from our excuses to behold the One who walks among the candlesticks.