I Am Not A Scientist

I am not (as well as a majority of people on planet earth) a scientist…at least not by dedicated study and degree, According to The US Science and Engineering Workforce study (11/2017), there are about 7 Million scientists in the US.or approximately 2-3% of the population. An even smaller percentage is dedicated to the sciences of life and our beginnings.

But, like Solomon, (if I can be so bold to compare myself to the wisest man to ever live outside of Jesus) I am fascinated by the study of our world. I love science when fairly applied using the fundamentals of discovery.

But, most scientists enter the world of discovery with a pre-determined outcome of the evidence because of personal, philosophical, and ancestral world-views about life rather than letting the facts lead to truth. If Christians are honest, we have the same fault of pre-determining truth by traditions and our own worldview.

But, the laws of non-contradiction is correct, and I believe it is, we can’t both be right about the existence or non-existence of God. The difference between the scientist and the Christian is not a matter of intelligence, but rather how much confidence we place in the authorities in our fields of interest and our own unpressured study.

For the follower of Christ, our confidence is in the written word and the unscientific proclamations of its writers. The Bible, when studied with an open mind, makes sense and provides the proof of a Creator using faith and the scientific method of observation. But most of all, the conclusion adds meaning to life and peace to the soul. Here the evolutionist has no card to play.

“Oddly enough, of all the worlds in collision today, it is the scientific world that is increasingly giving the greatest and most shocking evidence in favor of God’s existence.” (The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict,–Josh McDowell– p. 10)

Scientists today who are fair with the evidence around us question some of the so-called scientific icons of life existence and beginnings. When the scientific community proclaims that a theory, such as Darwinism or evolution, is irrefutable fact, it goes against its own.scientific methods of testing and verification. When it doesn’t allow for further discovery, it has become like the stubborn Bible-thumping people it despises and minimizes.

“Over the years, scientists such as Michael Behe have challenged the ‘facts’ of science from a scientific methodology. Works such as Behe’s BLACK BOX THE BIOCHEMICAL CHALLENGE TO EVOLUTION in which he states evidence from biochemistry that refutes Darwinian evolution, have ushered in a new age of critique of Darwin’s theory.” (ibid)

Our Creator made us with eyes to see and ears to hear the things of this world. He also created the brain as command-central. All three, among other parts, had to be working at one time to function. There was no eye rolling around trying to see because it didn’t have a brain or a command-central with nothing to command. There was no heart waiting for the evolving of blood and veins or vice versa…All had to be present at once to have functional value.

Another wise man (David) said,

“The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”

Psalm 14:1 (first part)

The Hebrew word for “fool” is “nabal.” It indicates not only “stupidity” but also “vileness.” The remainder of the verse would confirm this thought….

“They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.”

Psalm 14:1 (second part)

Paul added to the idea of David’s fool statement when he said that man is “without excuse” concerning the existence of God due to the ability to observe creation.

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,”

Romans 1: 20

No, I am not a scientist and it is extremely likely that you are not either, but God has given us the ability and the tools for inductive and deductive reasoning powers to see and understand not only his existence but the deep things of His being even the complicated topic of the Godhead.Like the scientists of this world, God invites us to base our faith (trust) in Him on evidence and substance of things we can’t see. This is faith!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

It is peace to the soul to “Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves” Psalm 100: 3