Tag Archives: Faith

Is He, Or Isn’t He?

A Critical Question About Jesus


I didn’t know my journey would start when I was so young….

My parents divorced when I was six, and my brother was barely two. I remember when my dad knelt, held me close, and said,

“You can call me uncle now.” 

I had no idea what this meant, but I knew it hurt.  Soon, my mom, brother, and I moved in with my grandmother.   During those early years, my grandmother had a great influence on me for God, but an elder in her church would turn me to atheism even though he thought he was doing the opposite. The questions about God began at age eight.

Mom began working full-time as a switchboard operator for a trucking company. So, for about four years, Ronnie (my brother) and I were raised by our sweet grandmother, whom we called “Mamaw.” She fed us, bathed us, and loved us. Though it seemed large then, the house had only two bedrooms and two showerless bathrooms. I slept in Mamaw’s bedroom on a cot beside an unused fireplace; Ronnie and Mom were in the other bedroom, which was part of an open duplex or apartment.

 In her room at night, just before we all retired for the evening, I heard my grandmother talking to God.  It frightened me initially, but after a few nights, I felt comfortable listening to her talk to her God as if they were close friends, unlike the elders of her church who prayed to Him with choice, carefully enunciated flowery words.

Though I never looked at her praying, I imagined her sitting on the floor with Jesus as they discussed her family and their problems.  As the oldest grandson, my name came up near the end of the lengthy conversation.  I could “see” my name floating to the throne room of God the Father, bore on the wings of the Holy Spirit.  I liked the God of my grandmother; He seemed likable, but I would meet a new god at Vacation Bible School a few years later.  This god, I did not like.  He scared me.

Vacation Bible School was fun.  I especially liked the crafts.  On the last day of VBS, all of us children waited anxiously for our parents to arrive so we could show them what we had made during the week. I had painted a King Edwards cigar box black and put decals and shells on it.  It made a perfect jewelry box.  My mom loved her jewelry.  But, before the moms, dads, and grandmothers arrived, we all met in a little room to hear an elder tell us about the upcoming service and how we could participate.  He wanted us to be baptized, so he began to tell us how much Jesus loved us.  I knew this God!  My grandmother talked to Him every night!

Then, the elder told us what would happen if we were not baptized.  We would go to “hell” and burn forever.  He described hell in disgusting detail. This didn’t sound like the God my grandmother talked to each night!  Something was wrong here. It was my first step toward unbelief.  No one, especially my grandmother’s Jesus, could be so cruel as to let all this happen!  Was my uncle in hell because he didn’t believe in Jesus but was a good husband and father?  Later in my journey, I would figure this out through scripture alone. 

Time marched on for my brother and me. I went through elementary school, high school, and eventually to college. In an ancient history class, I learned more than history; I learned about atheism directly from an atheistic professor. He made sense to me as I considered the contradiction of the two gods I had met when I was younger: one very loving and the other watching to ensure I was good or I would burn forever.

At age 18, I married a sweet, petite Christian gal.  We had three lovely children, but before that, we had some tough times and separated for a while.  When I returned, she (Julie) had been attending some “evangelistic” meetings.  I instantly began to make fun of her, telling her how silly it was to believe such nonsense.  I harassed her so much that she threw a dare at me.

“Eddie, if I am wrong, take this Bible and my notes and prove me wrong.”

My snarky response was, “Sure, this will be easy.”

For months, I went to the library for secular information (no web back in 1975) and began to read the Bible and her notes.  Quickly, I realized my attack had to be on this character, Jesus.  He had made some bold claims about Himself.  So, it came down to three questions: 

1.)  Did He exist? That was an easy question, even in secular history. 

2.) Was He all He claimed to be? and

3.) What was I going to do with what I learned? I had no idea. 

The primary and most critical question was, “Is He, or Isn’t He?  The following is just a small portion of my journey to know for myself about Jesus without the influence of denomination, tradition, or opinion.  The result?   I fell in love with Jesus and was baptized into His church, His body. Julie was right.  I was wrong.  My personal story is in my second book, “The Pig Returns To Its Mud.”

 Along the way, I realized that, as followers of Jesus, we must be united on the core beliefs based on God’s grace, compassion, and love expressed perfectly through Jesus. This is where God’s power is most effective. People can know the real Jesus for themselves if they only take time to look and hear. Too many beliefs, opinions, and traditions block out the sunlight of truth as found in Jesus. 

I will likely step on some toes in this book, but I pray that the initial pain will turn into something that will help the reader understand Jesus, as revealed by the prophets, kings, disciples, and apostles. This is my source material. While other “holy books” are written by one man, the story of Jesus is written by 35 to 40 men throughout thousands of years. That should tell us something.

I have settled these questions about Jesus. My atheism changed to a full-fledged believer in Jesus because I searched for the truth, and God directed my paths. He does this for everyone who will search with “all their heart.” It is not a casual search.  There are obstacles along the way. 

The journey continues. I am by no means perfect, but He is! He is worthy. I am not.  I hope that as you read this, you will discover Jesus’ reality and His faithfulness, whether you are a believer or not.  The reward will be greater than you can imagine.  Thank you, Julie.  May you rest in peace knowing God Himself directed your dare.  He knew what I needed.

And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.” John 17:3 NLT


The world is full of, to use an old Yiddish word, “Shysters.”  There are a multitude of con artists, liars, and cheats who are typically motivated by money, fame, self-gratification, or even worship! The knowledge of a person’s true identity can have life-and-death outcomes.

As I write this, countless writers and speakers are making money and fame from conspiracy theories, health-related topics, and merchandise that have no basis in facts, science, or common sense. They exist off the pocketbooks of the naive, uneducated, and those without critical thinking abilities. Deception includes marketing products, broadcasting news, education, music, and, of course, philosophy. These “industries” make billions of dollars of their victims each year.

Recently, I heard of a woman whose name I will not mention. She writes books and charges money to her fans to listen to her speak on various naturalistic remedies for almost every ailment, including cancer.  You would think she would be a doctor or someone with excellent credentials and that her presentations would include facts and figures to demonstrate her success rate.  On the contrary, this person failed in the medical industry and has been banned in several countries because of her unfounded and often dangerous instructions.  What confounds me is that she packs the house whenever she speaks!  Those in her audience are the anti-doctor, anti-vaccine, anti-science, anti-everything they don’t like.  In my opinion, it would seem that if we want something to be correct, we can find those who will help us feed our disillusionment.  Instead of searching for truth systematically, they search for confirmation from flawed information, reasoning, or feelings. This routine has been going on since the beginning of time.

Then comes Jesus onto the scene. In one of His prayers, he boldly states, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3 A knowledge of God the Father and Jesus Christ leads to eternal life. If this is true, we need to know if He is true. Is He, or isn’t He?

He walks, talks, teaches the ordinary people, and tries to reach the religious people who feel they have everything to know about Jehovah.  The religious leaders, the Pharisees, Scribes, and Sadducees prided themselves in thinking they had God all figured out and processed the authority to speak on behalf of God and express His will.  But Jesus claimed to be four things. He states, without hesitation, that he is “ The way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father (Jehovah) except through me (Jesus).”  John 14:6

       The question is, “Is He? or Isn’t He?  Is Jesus like one of the many Shysters of history and today that prey on the naive, uneducated, and those without common sense? Either Jesus is all He claims to be, or He is not.  His statement in John has no middle ground or room for compromise.  He is either the only way, or He is not.  His disciples took three and a half years to conclude that Jesus was real. What convinced them to die for their faith in Jesus as “… the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16 was not in wars between cultures but at the hands of those of their culture who hated them.  What convinced them should also convince us, although we aren’t able to physically handle and touch Him as they did.  They could rightly say, we have “…heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life—” 1 John 1:1We cannot.      

However, others existed before Jesus was born who never saw or touched Him but saw Jesus in the future. These were the many prophets, kings, and inspired writers of the Old Testament. On the other hand, modern society has had all this testimony from people for many generations. Those before Jesus looked forward in faith; the disciples and apostles lived by faith at the moment, and we today live in faith, looking back at the record of those before us. There is a need to study these patriarchs to determine Is He, or Isn’t He.  As we discover Jesus, our faith will grow in Him.  Therefore, we can say, “Little time with Jesus and the Bible will result in little faith in Jesus.  Conversely, much time with Jesus and the Bible will result in much faith in Jesus.    “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”  Romans 10:17

After the resurrection of Christ, Jesus first saw Mary and then showed up on a dusty road talking with two men who thought he was a stranger who just happened to walk up and begin a conversation.  They were walking away from the discouragement and sorrow of Jerusalem on a journey to a new beginning in Emmaus,

 As they walked along, Jesus gave them a study from the scriptures.  What is unusual about this study was that there was no New Testament pocket Bible for Jesus to pull out of His robe because printing, as we know it, had not been invented. Still, even more important, the New Testament had not been written yet!  So, this was a “Scripture” study from what we call the Old Testament and what the modern Jews call the Tankah.  It contains the writings of the many prophets and inspired writers.  Something happened to these men that greatly increased their faith in Jesus and set their hearts on fire: “Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” Luke 24:27. Jesus did this from memory! 

The men were familiar with these writings, but now they had meaning about Christ (the long-awaited Messiah).  Their eyes were opened, and their hearts were greatly encouraged by Jesus because they had heard Him and later looked across the table at Him!    They were so amped up that they ran back the seven miles to Jerusalem to find the other eleven disciples behind closed and locked doors, afraid of what might happen to them. (A side note from a former runner:   If they were seven miles away and ran back within the hour (Luke 24:33), this was equivalent to less than a seven-minute mile pace.  That is fast!  I’ll bet today’s runners could not do that in a robe and sandals!) 

When these two speed-runners made it back to Jerusalem and found the original disciples, they noticed they weren’t gathered to conduct Sunday worship in honor of the resurrection.  No!  They were in a state of disbelief and thought that the body of the One they loved was dead in a tomb in the beginning stages of decay (John 20:9).  Just as our two runners show up, Jesus pops into the sealed room.  The disciples think He is a spirit! (Luke 24:37).  After inviting them to touch him, He said some critical words for us to hear that I will discuss later.  “Look at My hands and My feet. See! It is I, Myself! Touch Me and see for yourself. A spirit does not have flesh and bones as I have.” Luke 24: 39

Then, Jesus did something that conflicted with their expectations of a resurrected immortal body: He asked for food, and they gave him fish and a honeycomb, and he ate it in front of them! (Luke 24: 42, 43).  What does that say about our resurrected immortal bodies and our heavenly experience?  At the very least, we will have bodies that enjoy eating, and we will live in flesh and bone bodies!  Our bodies will be just like His!  I don’t know about you, but that is much more exciting than sitting on a cloud plucking a harp as a ghost! “…we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.”  1 John 3:2

So, after the short meal, Jesus conducts the second Scripture study of the day. This time, He has the eleven disciples plus the two believers who ran back to Jerusalem from seven miles away in less than an hour. Wow! I’m still amazed by their athleticism, but I digress. 

Jesus expands the scripture study to include the Psalms (These are the poetic books of the Bible that include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon.). From these writings of thirty-five men, he showed them “all the things that must be fulfilled” about Him! Luke 24 44, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.  And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures” Luke 24 45.  After this study, Jesus covered all of the Old Testament divisions: The first five books of the Bible (Law of Moses), the major and minor prophets (the Prophets), and the poetic books (Psalms).  Jesus is there in those many books!  How could we miss that?  It may be because we are not looking or want it to be true.    

Is He or isn’t He all those things written in the Scriptures and the eyewitnesses of the New Testament?  For us to know that Jesus is all He claims to be, our eyes must be opened to understand the scriptures.  Otherwise, we will be like the pious religionists who knew and practiced religion the way they desired it to be, with all the trappings of pride, power, and control.  They didn’t want Jesus to be faithful.  They wanted a king to come riding on a white horse into Jerusalem with a giant sword, chopping off the heads of the Romans whom they despised. 

There is danger in creating a Jesus we want rather than what He really is.  What He is can be found in the Old and New Testaments, not by a popular speaker, philosopher, or even our particular religion/denomination or set of beliefs. 

I take this journey as a person wanting to discover the depth of the Jesus of Scripture, not of my denomination (not that they are bad) nor of what I want Him to be.  At whatever point I am along the way, I desire to feel the presence of Him in my life.  That is enough even if I never have enough time to reach my literary and study goals, I hope you will join me in this Jesus Journey and that Scripture and the Holy Spirit will lead us into a deeper understanding of the One who claims to be the way, the truth, and the life.

A Little Child Shall Lead Them…

“Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.”

Ecclesiastes 11:1

I am telling this story from memory, as told by a young pastor.  I am sorry that I don’t know the exact names and places. It should not distract from the beauty of the message God has for those reading this. 

It is a true story.  It had a great impact on me as an aging pastor.  It demonstrates how God works mysteriously in people’s lives to accomplish His purpose. 

Often, as shown in the book of Job, we don’t see the way God works and the mystery of the spiritual battles hidden from our eyes.  If we trust God completely, we are not discouraged when we can’t see the fruit of our labors or when our prayers seem to be ignored completely.  This is where faith comes into play, knowing that “our ways are not His ways, nor our thoughts His thoughts.”

This story is about the loss of someone’s faith (trust in God) because it seemed God was working against him to bring the gospel to a village in Africa.  


A young husband and wife felt God’s calling to go to Africa.  It was an irresistible urge from The Lord to sell all they possessed and go to a small village on this large dark continent to tell the people the story of Jesus. 

After a long journey of planes, trains, and finally a jeep, they set up camp outside a particular village.  Once they settled in, they approached the chief of the village to tell him about Jesus, who cut them off and refused to hear them.  Not only would the chief not listen to their story about Jesus, but he also told the village to ignore these strange pale people and their god.

The husband and wife had little supplies, clothes, and the conveniences they enjoyed in the United States.  They began to pray for God’s guidance.  The chief was kind-hearted enough to supply them with some of their needs, such as water and food.  He sent a young boy regularly to bring them things so they could survive in the dense jungle.  The boy was not to speak to the couple.

But the wife would tell the story of Jesus to the young boy each time he arrived at their campsite.  He said nothing and returned to the village.

After many weeks, the wife became pregnant.  The husband suggested they return to the U.S., but as they prayed, they felt they needed to stay.  Sadly, the wife died giving birth to a little girl.  The husband was heartbroken and so discouraged.  He decided to put the young female up for adoption and move back to America.

Feeling abandoned by God, he left the work unfinished, As he thought about his failures, He soon lost his faith in God and began to drink.

The child he left behind became a young lady and wanted to find her birth father and mother.  She heard the father had moved to America.  After much research, she located his address at prepared to see him.  When she arrived at his apartment, she was surprised to walk into a filthy apartment.  Her dad lay drunk on his bed as she began to introduce herself and tell her story.  The father quickly sat up and heard the sobering words of the daughter he had long forgotten.

The young boy that heard the story of Jesus from his wife began to tell it to the village.  Soon the entire village was converted to Jesus.  Even the chief was converted, and the story of Jesus began to spread to the other villages!  The young abandoned daughter helped in the ministry there in Africa started by this young husband and wife who responded to the calling of God. These words became true for them and will be true for us:

“Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.”

Ecclesiastes 11:1

As I heard this story, I felt the conviction always to trust God regardless of the circumstances.  How often do we let our faith in Christ be affected by circumstances we didn’t anticipate?  I was discouraged when I planned a series of meetings expecting hundreds of people, but only a few came and sat in a large room filled with empty chairs.

Have you prayed for someone to be healed from a deadly sickness, and then that person died?  Are you discouraged when you give your life to God and things start to go wrong?  I once met a man whose mother died at age 92.  He was so discouraged that God let her die that he left the church and his faith in Jesus.

Are you discouraged and ready to give up on God when you have spent thousands of dollars to repair your car or home…when you’ve lost your job?  A few days ago, the motor in our 200-foot-deep well went out.  We tried to pull out the pipes and make repairs.  But we made mistake after mistake.  It will likely cost us thousands of dollars to get running water again.  But, praise God, He knows our trials and tribulations.  He has a hundred ways and purposes where we can see none.

Many people treat God like the ideal of Santa Clause. Ask, then get precisely what you requested.   We expect God to provide just as we want it…with ease, convenience, and no challenges.  But wouldn’t we be a bunch of spoiled brats if we got everything we wanted and when we wanted it?  I am reminded of Paul’s words:

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

James 1: 2-3

Job was known for his patience but also for surviving the testing of his faith.  He was so determined to trust God that he said these words:

Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

Job 13:15

Knowing all this, I have begun to pray a prayer of preparation and trust.  It goes something like this. 

“Lord, I praise you for the good life I enjoy now. But when the bad times come, and they are sure to do so, let me trust in you and glorify your name in my spirit regardless of the circumstances.”

This story of the young husband and wife started on a narrow path that seemed to lead to a dead end.  But according to God’s own ways, it ended happily in the growth of God’s kingdom in Africa and the restoration of a man’s faith in his Creator.

How is your trust in God today?  Does it move like reeds in the wind when things don’t go the way you want them?  When things go badly, is your spirit downcast, and do you become irritable and unbelieving?   

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thess 5: 16-18

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Trust Him today…regardless…


“At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, Everyone who is found written in the book.

Daniel 12:1

The Doctrine of Fear?

A well-meaning friend with concern about end-times said,

” I hope I am not alive when Jesus returns because I don’t think I could endure the time of trouble.”

A different statement from another friend:

I don’t worry about the time of trouble because God will rapture the church before it all starts.”

Regardless of what one believes about tribulation, “pre-tribulation” or “post-tribulation,” there is a danger in both of the two responses above.

For the easy-way-out person, i.e., “I don’t have to worry about the time of trouble,” spiritual preparation to trust God to the uttermost becomes a low priority. The health and wealth “gospel” and mindset leave a person with the possibility of great disappointment and exposure should their thinking be incorrect.

The believer who worries that they want to escape trials and trouble through death is equally in danger. They don’t have faith in God to strengthen and protect them even when times are rough before the great time of trouble.

There is a third response. It is a response of faith that can conquer any situation.

“I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me,
Pilippians 4:14


Can this mindset be true even during a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation? Trust in God to the uttermost has been demonstrated throughout the Church’s history. Persecution of believers who have this level of faith reflects God’s power, truth, and grace even while being burned at the stake.

Endurance and Salvation

The endurance of believers is the theme of encouragement for us in the last days. They are found all through the Bible and the history of Jesus’ church. It is a biblical certainty prophesied by Jesus and recorded for us in Matthew, John, and Mark.

“…If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you…
John 15:20


And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
Matthew 10:22


When Jesus spoke about the last generation on planet earth, He said,

And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  but he who endures to the end shall be saved.  Matthew 24:12


At the end of time, the strong in Christ endure the pressure of the beast’s power (political and religious entity). They are faithful and obedient to the commands of God. As a result, they are recognized specifically as those…

who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name,
Revelation 15:2 


There is no doubt that the believers, i.e., His Church, go through this terrible time of trouble to glorify God and reward those who endure to the end. They are singled out as victorious over anything the Beast Satan (dragon) can throw at them.

And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:17


God’s Purpose

What is the purpose of all persecution and suffering? Paul said it this way:

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
Romans 8:1


Suffering has a purpose: God’s glory revealed in us!

Enduring times of trouble is an opportunity to demonstrate the level of faith and strength God gives you in mini-trials throughout your Jesus’ journey. The daily exercises in faith build the bone and muscle of the believer’s confidence!

The ancient prophet, Jeremiah, asks this relevant and revealing question:

“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? 
Jeremiah 12:5


In modern terms, If we can’t trust God in the small challenges of life, how will we have confidence in Him in the large things? Paul, that great man of God, encourages us to be conquerors and tells us nothing can separate us from God. Is this fact of Jesus true for you today? Do you believe He is with you through good times and bad times?

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8: 37-39


God’s continual presence, love, and victory is are demonstrated in the conquering power God gives us!

Protection During The Time of Trouble

When modern Bible fiction writers and their followers talk about the time of trouble, they emphasize the terrible conditions during the great tribulation predicted by Daniel and Jesus. They paint a dark, bleak picture of the beast’s actions in Revelation 13 and the Anti-Christ, followed by God’s judgments of the seven last plagues of Revelation 16. And, I might say, “rightly so.” These judgments are not warnings; they are actions of a Holy God, who has determined enough is enough!

These judgments fall on the people of the earth who have rejected God. At the same time, His people are protected from the effects of the judgments falling on planet earth. There is precise precedence for this type of situation.

A foreshadowing of God’s protection during the plagues is presented in the story of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt.

Just as God protected His people in the days before they were delivered from the might of Egypt, God will protect His people in the last days of rescue from a fallen world.

As you read the story of Israel’s preparation for deliverance, notice the plagues fell on the Pharaoh and Egypt while God’s people were still in Egypt! When the last plague of the death angel who slew the firstborn. God asked the Israelites to put their protection in the blood of the lamb by putting the lamb’s blood on the doorposts. The angel of death “passed over” the home that had followed God’s commands. That event is celebrated to this day through the ceremony of The Passover. So it will be in the last days, God will pass over those who are hidden in Christ and depend upon His blood for their salvation! David must have been reflecting on the power of God’s protection when he wrote:

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
Psalm 91: 9-10


There were ten plagues in Egypt; there will be seven in the time of trouble. Just as God protected His people in Egypt, God will protect His people in the final days of the planet in rebellion against God.

The view of faith to endure via God’s grace and strength is more Biblical than the easy way out. The person who fears such times may lack the faith that is available every day until the proclamation of God seals the fate of those who have faith in Christ and are alive just before He comes.

He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him [e]be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.

Revelation 22: 11-12

…when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
Luke 18:8


Jesus asked this rhetorical question directed at the disciples, with the Pharisees nearby, demonstrating the importance of faith before He returns.

Trust (faith) in Jesus propels the believer through the toughest of times, even the great tribulation.

As mentioned at the start, some pastors ignore the topic of the coming great tribulation, saying things like, “I won’t be here anyway.” The proverbial head in the sand would apply here. To give an easy way out of the turmoil upon the earth in the final days eliminates the story of victory, the rejoicing of overcoming, and the glorification of God through us! The demonstration to the universe of believers staying faithful to God even amid extreme difficulty is lost if their faith is not seen! It is a smooth doctrine of peace and safety for an escape.

“At That Time”

In the final chapter of Daniel, the angel describes a point where Michael “stands up.” This motion is a powerful allusion to strength, decision, and finality. In modern terminology, Jesus has had enough. The wicked and their leaders have crossed a line. Their continuous battles and wars have gone too far (See Daniel 11 for context).

In Daniel 12: 1, the “time” is described in this order:

1.) Jesus, who watches over His people, stands up.

2.) A time of trouble begins after Jesus stands up

3.) At that time (time of trouble), the people are delivered whose name is written in the book of life. This is not a deliverance FROM the time of trouble but THROUGH the time of trouble. This is not wordplay but the context of precedence. Think of all the characters in the Bible and Church History. They did not escape persecution; they endured it. Examples: the disciples, the early Christians, those in the dark ages against the powerful Roman church, and even those in modern-day Islamic-controlled countries.

After Jesus stands up, He returns to take up His people to where He is now (John 14: 1-3). Those who remain alive after the terrible catastrophes on the earth AND those who sleep in the dust! Those who never see death are few and far between, but they have endured through the power of their faithful God and Jesus Christ. These faithful few will witness the most spectacular event of all times…” never since there was a nation.” Here is a description from three inspired writers of the Bible:

“And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake…”
Daniel 12:2


And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, Job 19:26


The context of the above verses gives hope to believers that the dead will come to live again.

Christian brothers, we want you to know for sure about those who have died. You have no reason to have sorrow as those who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and then came to life again. Because we believe this, we know that God will bring to life again all those who belong to Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 4: 13-14


Book of Life-And Believers at the End

All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 13:8

The context of Revelation 13:8 is the two beasts that enforce economic sanctions on earth’s people (verses 1 and 11-17). Those not in the book of life will worship him (the sea beast). Conversely, those written in the book of life don’t worship the beast and his image. This last group is the believers. They are on earth to glorify God and demonstrate His power.

Since the anti-Christ and the beast are part of the time of trouble, it confirms God’s people are still on earth and standing faithfully for the Lord by obeying His command to have no other gods before them, not to bow down and worship graven images. This same scenario is found in Daniel 3. The golden image and the command to bow down and worship it under the duress of the death decrees. But God’s people stand firm.

Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Revelation 14:12


Notice that this small group has patience, and they are identified as loyal to God’s commandments and have faith like Jesus!

Is this deliverance before or during the time of trouble? Delivered from what? How is the deliverance accomplished? The next verse in Daniel 12 adds context to the deliverance.

And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
Some to everlasting life
Daniel 12: 2


At this time, those living in peace and safety in our society are a sensitive narcissistic generation who could care less about God. They are caught unaware when the Lord “stands up.”

They have become like the people of Noah,’ and Lot’s generations. They are described as going about their normal routines of life just before destruction. Jesus described it this way,

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:  They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
Luke 17: 26-30


These unbelievers wrapped up in everyday life apart from God are contrasted with those who stay faithful to God. Their eyes are looking upward. They are protected and saved. The others are looking to nature to save them:

Two Different Responses:

Those who have made God their refuge…their hiding place, stand in the open as Jesus returns and proclaims,

“Behold, this is our God; We have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; We have waited for Him; We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.”
Isaiah 25:9


Those who have failed at faith or ignored it, will say,

and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

Revelation 6:16-17

The answer to the question in Revelation is this:.

Those who are able to stand are the believers who have put their complete trust in Jesus and His word daily. This choice has resulted in faith that is able to endure the most difficult time of planet earth.

My friend, Jesus wants to save you to the uttermost. Take time just now to examine yourself and commit your whole life and situations to total trust in Jesus every step of the way. You will develope strength for whatever is thrown your way. Would you do it just now?

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.”
2 Corinthians 13:5


The Hall of Faith

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

1 Corinthians 9:25

In 1963, Canton, Ohio, became the shrine’s location for pro-football players coaches, including franchise owners and front-office personnel.  In the life of a football player, it is a high honor to be included in the annual class of inductees, which are typically four to eight people.  In a way, these fine athletes are made “immortal” in the sports world of football.  At the mention of the city, Canton, the faithful know it signifies fame forever. This shrine is called the Hall of Fame.

The class of 2022 inductees is made up of eight people:  six players, a coach, and an official.  The players include men whose job was to either protect the quarterback (offensive linemen), tackle the quarterback (defensive linemen), or receive a pass from the quarterback (wide receiver).   . The position of every defensive player is to stop the quarterback, while the job of every offensive player is to support the quarterback’s leadership in moving forward.

This 2022 class brings the total to 362 Football professionals in the Hall of Fame.  All have contributed to the game and reached the pinnacle of the sport.  They will receive a yellow jacket and be remembered for many years to come.  They are the few.  Almost all of us have no chance of ever becoming a professional football player, much less reaching this level.  It requires youth, strength, dedication, training, and genes you and I were not born with.

Did you know God has a Hall of Faith made up of many different people over hundreds, even thousands of years?  They were ordinary people like you and me!  This Hall of Fame, found in Hebrews chapter 11, has at least fifteen “immortalized” people who demonstrated exceptional faith; all were Old Testament characters!  But some groups of people also showed great faith in difficult times.  The children of Israel crossed over the Red Sea by faith and brought down the walls of Jericho. “Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.”  Hebrews 11: 35

This faith was not in a game but a person: the Lord Jesus. “The Author and Finisher of our faith.” Each person believed in the recorded promises of God, but each one in this Hall of Faith died without receiving the promise of God.  “And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise.”  Hebrews 11:39. 

What was it they were promised?  It was a homeland, a heavenly one. 

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say, such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland.  And indeed, if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had the opportunity to return.  But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them. Hebrews 12: 13-16

Just as the Football Hall of Famer inspires the football enthusiast, the Faith Hall of Famer inspires each person who has chosen to go all-in for Jesus.  This person who says, they are a stranger and pilgrim on earth expresses faith in the promise of a better country.  More than likely, each will die before receiving the promise.  Nevertheless, a better country awaits those who live by faith.  But this is not a spectator life of faith.  It is active.  It requires dedication, training, and the “measure of faith” that God gives every person who comes into the world. (Romans 12:7).  If you are to be in God’s Hall of Faith, Paul gives us this final simple plea. 

Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses (the Hall of Faith), let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12: 1-2

Will you choose to enter the race today?  How do you succeed?  Only one way.  You look to the Author and Finisher of our faith.  The Lord Jesus!


He (Jesus) answered and said to them, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? 

For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ 

But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God”— 

then he need not honor his father or mother.’ Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition. 

Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:

‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
And honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.

And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ ”

Matthew 15:3-9


Jesus and His disciples were watched by the religious leaders very closely to see if they would obey “the law.”  Jesus was often tested by them on this subject.  But “the law” of the Scribes and Pharisees was at odds with God’s law in a profound way as Jesus points out in the verses above.

 Their law was their own interpretation of the unchangeable  law of the Creator.  Their law contained additions without any blessing, direction, or endorsement from the Creator and Giver of the law.

As pointed out in the condemnation by Jesus to those mutilators of God’s law in Matthew 15, they had attempted to create a loop-hole in God’s 5th commandment to make it a little less harsh and easier to “keep.”  God’s law clearly and simply states:

 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”

Exodus 20:12

But, the  leaders said this law could be voided through the offer of a gift as a substitute for giving honor and respect to those who bore and raised them.   It was like they were paying their way out of an obligation that was not to their liking.  So they changed it!  There is not scriptural authority for doing so.

Jesus didn’t like their addition and proclaimed their man-made tradition would make God’s “commandment of no effect.”  Jesus desired them to obey this commandment from the heart, but because they didn’t and tried to come up with ways to make their changes legal, Jesus viewed this as legalism and worthless .  As a result of their changes and their traditions their worship was “in vain.”  It disclosed their hypocrisy of lip service vs heart service.

A couple of other things to notice about this commandment and Jesus’ response:

1.)  God does not put a condition on whether to honor your mother and father or not.  It doesn’t say to honor them if they are worthy of the honor and respect or if they were perfect parents.  Most parents, including myself, are no where near perfect, but we do have a God-given love for our offspring that most children do not understand.  Many times we fail, but that does not make a loop-hole for the breaking of this commandment.

2.)  Jesus doesn’t do away with this commandment or indicate  obedience to this commandment would be legalistic.  As we discussed in a previous article, the new covenant is based on the laws written on the heart.

3.)  Jesus does not give them a list or tell them how to honor their parents.  Lists encourage tasks or works.  While the ten commandments could be considered a list, they are 10 principles. disclosing God’s character and will.  We see in these commandments a God that desires love and respect for both himself and our neighbors.  They are not a list to “work on” to deserve salvation or love from God.

The law of God is not minimized or changed by the new covenant. Even the giver of the law (Jesus) will not change even the smallest part to accommodate mankind. Some are surprised to discover that Jesus, before He came to the world as an infant, gave the 10 Commandments to Moses.  That is a different study for a different time.

Those who have been born again and have a new heart will obey from a love basis rather than a basis to be saved (legalism).  The new covenant people obey the Lord because they ARE saved, not in order to BE saved.

 These born-again followers will understand that to honor their mother or father is the will of God Himself and it will be a natural response from a heart transformed by the power of God to love and respect them.  To try and circumvent, excuse, rationalize, or change it is hypocrisy and attempting to put our own thoughts and reasoning above God’s.

This commandment, like the others, should be read carefully and simply.  Nothing should be added nor taken away, not even one letter or stroke of the pen.  How can anything that is perfect be changed anyway?  It is a transcript of how God wants us to live, not a checklist for finding favor or salvation from the Lord.  Those who will endeavor to obey for the right reasons will be blessed.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

Revelation 21:14


Jesus made it clear to the  Scribes and Pharisees that he did not come to change the law and that anyone who taught others to break even the smallest detail  was outside of God’s will.  Any attempt to modify the law affected the truthfulness of the worship experience.   This is a pretty serious situation.  Listen to his exact words:

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

Matthew 5:17

It is here where some will say, “since Jesus fulfilled the law (10 Commandments) it is no longer viable.”  The next verse clears that up.

“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

Matthew 5:18

We still have a heaven and an earth, so the law remains.  Also, it has been almost 2,000 years since Jesus fulfilled it, and he still wants us to teach that the law should not be broken.  It is so immovable that Jesus makes reference to “jot” and “tittle”  (smallest letter or stroke of the pen) will not be modified or eliminated.

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:19

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be the one who teaches that even one thing can be changed in God’s “perfect law of liberty” James 1:25. How about you?

Jesus perfect obedience to this law (fulfillment) is the basis for His perfect sacrifice (No sin found in Him) and for the forgiveness for our breaking the law which is sin.

Sin is the transgression of the law

1 John 3:4

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Romans 3:23.

But sin is much more.  We are born sinners with a nature to sin.  Anything not of faith is sin.  There are a 1,000 ways we can sin, but in the end, all can be summarized by the 10 commandments.

 When we are born again, we are given a heart of flesh with God’s law written upon it (New Covenant) and we obey out of sense of love and respect rather than a method of salvation (legalism).  Our very nature is changed.  The thief stops stealing,;the liar stops lying; the adulterer stops sleeping with women who are not his wife…..

If you love me, keep my commandments

John 14:15

Of course they are not perfect.  When we do sin, we have an advocate:

My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

1 John 2:1

Oh!  The mercy and forgiveness of our great God!

How can we claim to be followers if we disobey or re-write the law to suit us as did the religious leaders of Jesus’ time?


In Luke, Jesus confirmed as He did in Matthew 5 that the law would never change.  Further,  He used the passing of heaven and earth to drive home the point:

“But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one stroke of a letter in the law to be dropped.”

Luke 16:17

Other writers agree with Jesus on the eternal existence of the law and His word:

“All His precepts are sure. They are upheld forever and ever”

Psalm 111:8

“The sum of your word is truth;
    and every one of your righteous ordinances endures forever.”

Psalm 119:160

“The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.”

Isaiah 40:8


Jesus was tested another time on a different commandment. But, the same principles apply.

“At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. And His disciples were hungry, and began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to Him, “Look, Your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath!”

But He said to them, “Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, he and those who were with him: how he entered the house of God and ate the showbread which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him, but only for the priests? Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless? Yet I say to you that in this place there is One greater than the temple. But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

Matthew 12: 1-8

The Scribes and Pharisees were particularly zealous for this law.  They added their own rules that is in the thousands.  However, like the 5th commandment, the law is presented by the Lawgiver in a simple manner.  However, the religious leaders made it very legalistic and burdensome.  In the process, this law intended to bless man became another checklist of things to do or not to do.

In this incident, Jesus and his disciples were hungry and began to shuck corn in a field and eat it as they walked along.  This violated one of the Sabbath “rules” created by the very legalistic religious leaders, but Jesus said they were “guiltless.”  Here is an important question:  Is there anywhere in scripture where God forbid such action by the disciples? No!  It is another example of man’s tradition or adding to the law that makes the law a burden and makes their worship vain.

To make his point (That He and the disciples had not broken the 4th commandment), He asks the supposed scriptural authorities the question:  “Have you not read….”  This question (referring to 1 Samuel 21: 1-6) puts them back on their heels.  They obviously had read it, but they had missed the  application from their reading about the priority of man’s needs above a ritual of the law.  Jesus begins to connect the hunger of David’s men and the hunger of Jesus and His disciples.  Very simply, the value of men and their hunger needs outweigh any man-made religious ceremony (i.e., Hot warm bread used in the sanctuary service and the need to eat on the Sabbath when nothing else is available).   Again, there is no law written or intended by the Lawgiver for anyone having to subscribe to such a strict interpretation of a simple law and go hungry on a day the Lord has blessed and made holy.  Further, Jesus clearly states the priority of mercy over sacrifice and ceremonial religious laws.

The 4th Commandment is very simple and plain in its delivery by the Creator, much like the 5th commandment.  The Great Lawgiver and Creator states the commandment simply and provides the reason as to why a professed follower should obey it.  (Not to be saved, but because they are saved)

The command: 

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 

The Reason:

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Exodus 20: 8-11


As with the 5th Commandment, Jesus made it clear that His Law should not be modified or added to in any way.  The same observations for the 5th Commandment can be made for the 4th Commandment:

1.)  God does not put a condition on whether to honor the Sabbath or not or that He had plans to modify or change it.   He says, “Remember” and to “Keep it Holy” since the reason for the commandment has to do with the fact that he is the Creator (and Redeemer-See Deuteronomy’s version-Chapter 5: 12-15)

2.)  Jesus doesn’t do away with this commandment or indicate  obedience to this commandment would be legalistic.  As we discussed in a previous article, the new covenant is based on the laws written on the heart.

3.)  Jesus does not give them a list or tell them how to keep the Sabbath holy, other than refraining from work on that day.  The reason?  We are to respect our Creator and “rest” as He did. It is not only a physical rest, but a rest of relationship with the Creator and His Creation.  It is about relationships and not a religious list of things to trip us up so that we sin.

When the Lord stopped working after His work of Creation, it was not that He was tired, but that He wanted the time to be immortalized as proof of his Creatorship.  Further, Adam and Eve began their first full day with the Lord on the Sabbath.  This must have been a very special Sabbath as they began to see and understand life and a relationship with the Creator.

Have you ever wondered about the heavenly bodies that tell us about time?  Even scientist will admit we measure time by the sun and the moon. Our year is based on the orbit of the earth around the sun.  Our month is based on the orbit or phases of the moon around the earth.  But there is nothing in nature to base our 7 day weekly cycle.

A 7 day weekly cycle  exists only because it was instituted by our Creator (Jesus) in the beginning.  Why not a 6 day cycle or a 5 day cycle?  The 7 day cycle and the Sabbath screams:  God created us!


Jesus Conclusion:

The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath:

Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.

Mark 2: 27, 28

Jesus told the religious leaders that He made the Sabbath to be a blessing for man not a list of do’s and don’t’s so that man is made a slave to the Sabbath.  Notice it is made for “man” or mankind  not just the Jews.  The commandment was given long before there was a nation of Jews.  That reasoning would also indicate that all the other commandments are only for the Jews and not for us.

The Scribes and Pharisees had effectively made the Sabbath a burden and God’s original intention was lost through their adding and modifying a simple commandment meant to be a lasting memorial to our Creator and an opportunity to “come unto (Jesus) and rest.”

Jesus knew how it should be remembered because He is Lord of the Sabbath!  This is the real Lord’s day!  It was created by God and it belongs to Him

“But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.”

Exodus, 20:10


In conclusion:

We can learn from these two incidents regarding honoring parents and honoring the day God blessed.  It tells us  that the law of God is immutable and has a relationship/heart purpose.  They are not part of a list of do’s and don’ts to follow so one can be saved.  God forbid!  it is a law of liberty (James 2:12).  It can not be modified to meet our own convenience, thinking, or tradition.

Jesus gave the Law and He knows better than anyone how to follow the spirit of the law which does not negate the letter.

I am sure your spouse would want you to keep the letter of the law regarding adultery, but even more the spirit (i.e., you are faithful because you love her/him.)

The same goes for your neighbor.  You don’t steal, lie, cheat, or covet his wife, or kick his cat (the letter of the law).  Not because you have to, but because you respect him as a child of God and because of the born-again heart given you by the Lord (Spirit of the Law).

Have you asked yourself how can you “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy?”  The key word here is holy (a.k.a sanctified).  How do you make it about a love relationship with God and His creation rather than a list of do’s and don’t’s? How do you make it a delight or a blessing and not a burden?

The Sabbath was made for man, to be a blessing to him by calling his mind from secular labor to contemplate the goodness and glory of God

Of all the commandments, the 4th one is the most misunderstood and the one where legalism can quickly smother the spiritual blessing God has prepared for us each week.  It is not just about when should church attendance be conducted.  This is no doubt a “holy” activity for the Sabbath.  It was Jesus’ and Paul’s custom to go to meet with God’s people each Sabbath.  I would say they are good examples to follow.  Wouldn’t you?


In our next study, we will see how the enemy has attacked the law of God and the family unit (the 4th and 5th commandments) to serve his purpose of confusing and  leading people away from a knowledge of the Lord which is salvation.

He has a special anger towards those who teach and obey the will of God and testify of Jesus Christ:

And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 12:17


“If you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about me.”

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel… By which also ye are saved… unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, ow that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures”

1 Corinthians 15:1-4


Have you been able to see Jesus in the books of Moses (Generally accepted as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,  Numbers, and Deuteronomy)?  Have you seen Him in the other books of the Old Testament?

If you haven’t seen Jesus in the Old Testament you have missed 59% of the story about Jesus.

Come with me as we take a walk with two disciples who, after a three to four hour Bible study with Jesus had their lives changed.  They went from massive disappointment to solid believers in Jesus.  It can do the same for you.

This is written in first-person for a “reality” version of the story. At the end is some additional material which should appeal to your logic.


It was early in the morning and the sky was getting brighter as I walked the dusty road speaking in low tones with my friend Cleopas about the things which had transpired over the last few days.  So many things!  All very bad!

It started with the arrest of Jesus in the Garden east of the city.   During the night and into the early morning of the Preparation Day (Friday) the soldiers and mob began to move Him between the governor and religious leadership. Then they beat Him to a pulp and eventually crucified our Friend and Leader on a Roman cross on the hill outside of Jerusalem later in the afternoon of the Preparation Day.

I watched from a distance as He hung His head and took his last breath.  He said something at the end, but I was unable to hear because I was trying to stay far enough away so that no one would try to connect me with Him .  I would certainly be labeled as a fanatic believer in this prophet who the clergy had called a blasphemer.  This led to his death.  I think I saw Peter off in the distance.  He appeared to be on his knees with his face in his hands.  His disappointment must be very great!

There had been an earthquake and the sun refused to shine.  Darkness took over the land like a thick smothering blanket.  Everything seemed out of place…frightening.  The large curtain in the temple had been ripped from top to bottom by some unseen hand. There were even reports of people, considered saints,  coming out of their graves and appearing to many in the city! (Matthew 27: 51-53)

My personal disappointment is great because I believed everything He had taught.  I was amazed at His great miracles and works of kindness. His followers thought Him to be the Messiah prophesied by many of the prophets hundreds of years ago.  He was going to set up His kingdom and deliver my people from the iron rule of Rome.  We thought He was the coming king upon which hung on all our hopes.

But, it seemed like He did not want the office of king.  I had left everything to follow Him and learn His teachings. My commitment all came to nothing on Friday afternoon when He died.  Now only doubt, but also sadness and disappointment hung on Cleopas and me like a heavy smelly cloak belonging to someone else.  I  want an explanation, but the reality of deception was creeping into my thoughts and it made me feel sick and foolish.

On top of everything else, the body of Jesus is missing!  The women followers said He was alive, confirmed by a couple of other disciples, but I know better.  It is just wishful thinking on their part. No one could have survived the beating, the nails, the loss of blood, and finally the sharp sword in the side.  I saw it and refuse to believe anything but what my eyes can confirm. There was no mistaking… the vision of so much blood and the pale appearance of death was real.

It is the first day of the week. Fresh days lie before us as we make our way to Emmaus to start over;  a walk of about 8 miles. It will take me the usual 3 1/2 hours or so to walk…maybe longer today because of our conversation and a heavy heart. This will give us plenty of time to try and put all the pieces together….to try to understand and make sense of everything and to decide what to do with the rest of our lives.

All of a sudden, an unexpected stranger walks up from behind and joins us.  He asks,

Why are you so sad and what are you discussing?”

I find these two questions odd in the light of the excitement and well-known events of the weekend. Slightly agitated and amazed Cleopas speaks before I can open my mouth and he answers the question with a question.  He throws in some sarcasm for good measure.

Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem that does not know the things which happened there these last few days?”

 I am even more amazed when the stranger asks,

What things?”

In disbelief, we began to explain to the young manr the events of the weekend.  Reviewing everything does not help my disappointment and we rush through them as a courtesy to the stranger.

“These things concern Jesus of Nazareth who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people.  The chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him.  But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel.  Indeed, besides all this, today is the third day since these things happened.  Yes, and certain women of our company, who arrived at the tomb early, astonished us.  Then they did not find His body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said He was alive. And certain of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but Him they did not see.” Luke 24: 19-24

Then the stranger calls Cleopas and me “foolish ones” and that we are “slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken”  This is certainly not so! I have always believed the prophets.  I have come from a family who believes in the Tanakh (Old Testament) and I have read it often.  The prophets said, that the Messiah would come and deliver Israel from its enemies.  But the stranger began to recite the writings of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy) and all the Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Micah, Malachi, etc)  of the Tanakh and explain things I had missed in my readings.

The stranger clearly points out passages that were references to Jesus.  For the next 3 hours, I am amazed at the knowledge and clarity of the stranger’s words.  As I listened to the stranger recite our ancient books, I begin to see that it was necessary for Jesus to die for the sins of the world, but that He would be raised up the third day!  How had I missed that?  Why had we not believed Jesus when He said it was necessary for Him to die and that he would rise again?  It was like I had been reading the scripture the way I wanted it to read instead of letting it talk to me!  Indeed, we felt foolish but encouraged by the words of the stranger.  My heart burned within me!  I wanted to hear more!  This was all exciting and new to me!

As we get near the village where we plan to rest, it is almost dark. I don’t want the stranger to go and I look for excuses for Him to stay the night so we can hear more. Thankfully, He agrees to have supper with us.  As He breaks the bread, I recognize those hands and the manner in which He breaks it!  I finally look across the table into his eyes at about the same time as Cleopas.  It is Jesus!  As soon as we recognize him, He disappears!  We had been talking to Jesus the whole time and we didn’t recognize Him!

With intense excitement and joy, Cleopas and I jump up and run the 8 miles back to Jerusalem!   We must tell the 11 who were behind closed doors who share our confusion and disappointment.  When we arrive,  we find them huddled in a group in fear and disappointment.  Out of breath, we begin to tell them what had happened over the last several hours.  As we are telling them, Jesus appears in the room!

Everyone jumps back.  They think they are seeing a spirit, but Jesus tells them it is Him and that He is not a spirit. To prove it, He invites them to touch Him and He asks for something to eat.  They give Him some fish and some honeycomb.  After everyone settles down and the scales of their eyes begin to fall away, Jesus repeats the same type of study Cleopas and I heard on the road to Emmaus.  This time, He uses the entire Tanakh including the Psalms to explain how He is found all through scripture. All the disciples begin to understand that He had to die, but that He would rise on the third day.  How could we have missed this?  It was right there!

Then He said to us,

These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you.  that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.  (And He opened our understanding that we might comprehend the Scriptures.”) Luke 24:44

Do we need  Jesus to open our understanding of Scriptures?  Have we missed Jesus as we have read the Old Testament?  What did Jesus teach these two disciples when He explained passages from all the books of the Old Testament?  Is the Old Testament not relevant to New Testament Christians?  Have we misunderstood Jesus?  What does the entire Bible  teach about Him?

 Next, we will take a look at Jesus through the eyes of one who is a well-known doubter Thomas and attempt to understand why the resurrection of Jesus is an absolute cornerstone of the Christian faith. In fact, without it, Paul says we are most pitiful of all men. But, after we see through the eyes of Thomas we will exclaim as he did:

“My Lord and My God.”  John 20:28 



What is the possibility of one man fulfilling only eight of the Old Testament prophecies?

It is 1 x 1028 or 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Given this and the time span between the writings of the Old Testament and the fulfillment by Christ in the New Testament, the prophecies were either given to the prophets by God, or the prophets just wrote them down as they thought they should be. With Christ fulfilling all eight prophecies, what are the odds the prophets were just guessing?

“Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me”

Psalm 40:7.

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”

Revelation 19:10.

“…all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me”

Jesus Christ, Luke 24:44.

“For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.”

Jesus Christ, John 5:46.

“To Him give all the prophets witness”

Acts 10:43.

353 Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Christ!

Prophecy Fulfillment
1. Gen. 3:15Seed of a woman (virgin birth)Galatians 4:4-5, Matthew 1:18
2. Gen. 3:15He will bruise Satan’s headHebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8
3. Gen. 3:15Christ’s heel would be bruised with nails on the crossMatthew 27:35, Luke 24:39-40
4. Gen. 5:24The bodily ascension to heaven illustratedMark 16:19
5. Gen. 9:26, 27The God of Shem will be the Son of ShemLuke 3:36
6. Gen. 12:3Seed of Abraham will bless all nationsGalatians 3:8, Acts 3:25, 26
7. Gen. 12:7The Promise made to Abraham’s SeedGalatians 3:16
8. Gen. 14:18A priest after the order of MelchizedekHebrews 6:20
9. Gen. 14:18King of Peace and RighteousnessHebrews 7:2
10. Gen. 14:18The Last Supper foreshadowedMatthew 26:26-29
11. Gen. 17:19Seed of Isaac (Gen. 21:12)Romans 9:7
12. Gen. 22:8The Lamb of God promisedJohn 1:29
13. Gen. 22:18As Isaac’s seed, will bless all nationsGalatians 3:16
14. Gen. 26:2-5The Seed of Isaac promised as the RedeemerHebrews 11:18
15. Gen. 28:12The Bridge to heavenJohn 1:51
16. Gen. 28:14The Seed of JacobLuke 3:34
17. Gen. 49:10The time of His comingLuke 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4
18. Gen. 49:10The Seed of JudahLuke 3:33
19. Gen. 49:10Called Shiloh or One SentJohn 17:3
20. Gen. 49:10Messiah to come before Judah lost identityJohn 11:47-52
21. Gen. 49:10Unto Him shall the obedience of the people beJohn 10:16
22. Ex. 3:13-15The Great “I AM”John 4:26, 8:58
23. Ex. 12:5A Lamb without blemishHebrews 9:14; 1Peter 1:19
24. Ex. 12:13The blood of the Lamb saves from wrathRomans 5:8
25. Ex. 12:21-27Christ is our Passover1Corinthians 5:7
26. Ex. 12:46Not a bone of the Lamb to be brokenJohn 19:31-36
27. Ex. 15:2His exaltation predicted as YeshuaActs 7:55, 56
28. Ex. 15:11His Character-HolinessLuke 1:35; Acts 4:27
29. Ex. 17:6The Spiritual Rock of Israel1Corinthians 10:4
30. Ex. 33:19His Character-MercifulLuke 1:72
31. Lev. 1:2-9His sacrifice a sweet smelling savor unto GodEphesians 5:2
32. Lev. 14:11The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthoodLuke 5:12-14; Acts 6:7
33. Lev. 16:15-17Prefigures Christ’s once-for-all deathHebrews 9:7-14
34. Lev. 16:27Suffering outside the CampMatthew 27:33; Heb. 13:11, 12
35. Lev. 17:11The Blood-the life of the fleshMatthew 26:28; Mark 10:45
36. Lev. 17:11It is the blood that makes atonementRom. 3:23-24; 1John 1:7
37. Lev. 23:36-37The Drink-offering: “If any man thirst”John 7:37
38. Num. 9:12Not a bone of Him brokenJohn 19:31-36
39. Num. 21:9The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted upJohn 3:14-18, 12:32
40. Num. 24:17Time: “I shall see him, but not now.”John 1:14; Galatians 4:4
41. Deut. 18:15“This is of a truth that prophet.”John 6:14
42. Deut. 18:15-16“Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me.”John 5:45-47
43. Deut. 18:18Sent by the Father to speak His wordJohn 8:28, 29
44. Deut. 18:19Whoever will not hear must bear his sinActs 3:22-23
45. Deut. 21:23Cursed is he that hangs on a treeGalatians 3:10-13
46. Joshua 5:14-15The Captain of our salvationHebrews 2:10
47. Ruth 4:4-10Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed usEphesians 1:3-7
48. 1 Sam. 2:35A Faithful PriestHeb. 2:17, 3:1-3, 6, 7:24-25
49. 1 Sam. 2:10Shall be an anointed King to the LordMt. 28:18, John 12:15
50. 2 Sam. 7:12David’s SeedMatthew 1:1
51. 2 Sam. 7:13His Kingdom is everlasting2Peter 1:11
52. 2 Sam. 7:14aThe Son of GodLuke 1:32, Romans 1:3-4
53. 2 Sam. 7:16David’s house established foreverLuke 3:31; Rev. 22:16
54. 2 Ki. 2:11The bodily ascension to heaven illustratedLuke 24:51
55. 1 Chr. 17:11David’s SeedMatthew 1:1, 9:27
56. 1 Chr. 17:12-13To reign on David’s throne foreverLuke 1:32, 33
57. 1 Chr. 17:13“I will be His Father, He…my Son.”Hebrews 1:5
58. Job 9:32-33Mediator between man and God1 Timothy 2:5
59. Job 19:23-27The Resurrection predictedJohn 5:24-29
60. Psa. 2:1-3The enmity of kings foreordainedActs 4:25-28
61. Psa. 2:2To own the title, Anointed (Christ)John 1:41, Acts 2:36
62. Psa. 2:6His Character-HolinessJohn 8:46; Revelation 3:7
63. Psa. 2:6To own the title KingMatthew 2:2
64. Psa. 2:7Declared the Beloved SonMatthew 3:17, Romans 1:4
65. Psa. 2:7, 8The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimatedActs 13:29-33
66. Psa. 2:8, 9Rule the nations with a rod of ironRev. 2:27, 12:5, 19:15
67. Psa. 2:12Life comes through faith in HimJohn 20:31
68. Psa. 8:2The mouths of babes perfect His praiseMatthew 21:16
69. Psa. 8:5, 6His humiliation and exaltationHebrews 2:5-9
70. Psa. 9:7-10Judge the world in righteousnessActs 17:31
71. Psa. 16:10Was not to see corruptionActs 2:31, 13:35
72. Psa. 16:9-11Was to arise from the deadJohn 20:9
73. Psa. 17:15The resurrection predictedLuke 24:6
74. Psa. 18:2-3The horn of salvationLuke 1:69-71
75. Psa. 22:1Forsaken because of sins of others2 Corinthians 5:21
76. Psa. 22:1“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”Matthew 27:46
77. Psa. 22:2Darkness upon Calvary for three hoursMatthew 27:45
78. Psa. 22:7They shoot out the lip and shake the headMatthew 27:39-44
79. Psa. 22:8“He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him”Matthew 27:43
80. Psa. 22:9-10Born the SaviourLuke 2:7
81. Psa. 22:12-13They seek His deathJohn 19:6
82. Psa. 22:14His blood poured out when they pierced His sideJohn 19:34
83. Psa. 22:14, 15Suffered agony on CalvaryMark 15:34-37
84. Psa. 22:15He thirstedJohn 19:28
85. Psa. 22:16They pierced His hands and His feetJohn 19:34, 37; 20:27
86. Psa. 22:17, 18Stripped Him before the stares of menLuke 23:34, 35
87. Psa. 22:18They parted His garmentsJohn 19:23, 24
88. Psa. 22:20, 21He committed Himself to GodLuke 23:46
89. Psa. 22:20, 21Satanic power bruising the Redeemer’s heelHebrews 2:14
90. Psa. 22:22His Resurrection declaredJohn 20:17
91. Psa. 22:27-28He shall be the governor of the nationsColossians 1:16
92. Psa. 22:31“It is finished”John 19:30, Heb. 10:10, 12, 14, 18
93. Psa. 23:1“I am the Good Shepherd”John 10:11, 1Peter 2:25
94. Psa. 24:3His exaltation predictedActs 1:11; Philippians 2:9
95. Psa. 30:3His resurrection predictedActs 2:32
96. Psa. 31:5“Into thy hands I commit my spirit”Luke 23:46
97. Psa. 31:11His acquaintances fled from HimMark 14:50
98. Psa. 31:13They took counsel to put Him to deathMt. 27:1, John 11:53
99. Psa. 31:14, 15“He trusted in God, let Him deliver him”Matthew 27:43
100. Psa. 34:20Not a bone of Him brokenJohn 19:31-36
101. Psa. 35:11False witnesses rose up against HimMatthew 26:59
102. Psa. 35:19He was hated without a causeJohn 15:25
103. Psa. 38:11His friends stood afar offLuke 23:49
104. Psa. 38:12Enemies try to entangle Him by craftMark 14:1, Mt. 22:15
105. Psa. 38:12-13Silent before His accusersMatthew 27:12-14
106. Psa. 38:20He went about doing goodActs 10:38
107. Psa. 40:2-5The joy of His resurrection predictedJohn 20:20
108. Psa. 40:6-8His delight-the will of the FatherJohn 4:34, Heb. 10:5-10
109. Psa. 40:9He was to preach the Righteousness in IsraelMatthew 4:17
110. Psa. 40:14Confronted by adversaries in the GardenJohn 18:4-6
111. Psa. 41:9Betrayed by a familiar friendJohn 13:18
112. Psa. 45:2Words of Grace come from His lipsJohn 1:17, Luke 4:22
113. Psa. 45:6To own the title, God or ElohimHebrews 1:8
114. Psa. 45:7A special anointing by the Holy SpiritMt. 3:16; Heb. 1:9
115. Psa. 45:7, 8Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed)Luke 2:11
116. Psa. 45:17His name remembered foreverEphesians 1:20-21, Heb. 1:8
117. Psa. 55:12-14Betrayed by a friend, not an enemyJohn 13:18
118. Psa. 55:15Unrepentant death of the BetrayerMatthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19
119. Psa. 68:18To give gifts to menEphesians 4:7-16
120. Psa. 68:18Ascended into HeavenLuke 24:51
121. Psa. 69:4Hated without a causeJohn 15:25
122. Psa. 69:8A stranger to own brethrenJohn 1:11, 7:5
123. Psa. 69:9Zealous for the Lord’s HouseJohn 2:17
124. Psa. 69:14-20Messiah’s anguish of soul before crucifixionMatthew 26:36-45
125. Psa. 69:20“My soul is exceeding sorrowful.”Matthew 26:38
126. Psa. 69:21Given vinegar in thirstMatthew 27:34
127. Psa. 69:26The Saviour given and smitten by GodJohn 17:4; 18:11
128. Psa. 72:10, 11Great persons were to visit HimMatthew 2:1-11
129. Psa. 72:16The corn of wheat to fall into the GroundJohn 12:24-25
130. Psa. 72:17Belief on His name will produce offspringJohn 1:12, 13
131. Psa. 72:17All nations shall be blessed by HimGalatians 3:8
132. Psa. 72:17All nations shall call Him blessedJohn 12:13, Rev. 5:8-12
133. Psa. 78:1-2He would teach in parablesMatthew 13:34-35
134. Psa. 78:2bTo speak the Wisdom of God with authorityMatthew 7:29
135. Psa. 80:17The Man of God’s right handMark 14:61-62
136. Psa. 88The Suffering and Reproach of CalvaryMatthew 27:26-50
137. Psa. 88:8They stood afar off and watchedLuke 23:49
138. Psa. 89:27FirstbornColossians 1:15, 18
139. Psa. 89:27Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kingsLuke 1:32, 33
140. Psa. 89:35-37David’s Seed, throne, kingdom endure foreverLuke 1:32, 33
141. Psa. 89:36-37His character-FaithfulnessRevelation 1:5, 19:11
142. Psa. 90:2He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2)John 1:1
143. Psa. 91:11, 12Identified as Messianic; used to tempt ChristLuke 4:10, 11
144. Psa. 97:9His exaltation predictedActs 1:11; Ephesians 1:20
145. Psa. 100:5His character-GoodnessMatthew 19:16, 17
146. Psa. 102:1-11The Suffering and Reproach of CalvaryJohn 19:16-30
147. Psa. 102:25-27Messiah is the Preexistent SonHebrews 1:10-12
148. Psa. 109:25RidiculedMatthew 27:39
149. Psa. 110:1Son of DavidMatthew 22:42-43
150. Psa. 110:1To ascend to the right-hand of the FatherMark 16:19
151. Psa. 110:1David’s son called LordMatthew 22:44, 45
152. Psa. 110:4A priest after Melchizedek’s orderHebrews 6:20
153. Psa. 112:4His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et alMatthew 9:36
154. Psa. 118:17, 18Messiah’s Resurrection assuredLuke 24:5-7; 1Cor. 15:20
155. Psa. 118:22, 23The rejected stone is Head of the cornerMatthew 21:42, 43
156. Psa. 118:26aThe Blessed One presented to IsraelMatthew 21:9
157. Psa. 118:26bTo come while Temple standingMatthew 21:12-15
158. Psa. 132:11The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body)Luke 1:32, Act 2:30
159. Psa. 129:3He was scourgedMatthew 27:26
160. Psa. 138:1-6The supremacy of David’s Seed amazes kingsMatthew 2:2-6
161. Psa. 147:3, 6The earthly ministry of Christ describedLuke 4:18
162. Prov. 1:23He will send the Spirit of GodJohn 16:7
163. Prov. 8:23Foreordained from everlastingRev. 13:8, 1Peter 1:19-20
164. Song. 5:16The altogether lovely OneJohn 1:17
165. Isa. 2:3He shall teach all nationsJohn 4:25
166. Isa. 2:4He shall judge among the nationsJohn 5:22
167. Isa. 6:1When Isaiah saw His gloryJohn 12:40-41
168. Isa. 6:8The One Sent by GodJohn 12:38-45
169. Isa. 6:9-10Parables fall on deaf earsMatthew 13:13-15
170. Isa. 6:9-12Blinded to Christ and deaf to His wordsActs 28:23-29
171. Isa. 7:14To be born of a virginLuke 1:35
172. Isa. 7:14To be Emmanuel-God with usMatthew 1:18-23, 1Tim. 3:16
173. Isa. 8:8Called EmmanuelMatthew 28:20
174. Isa. 8:14A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense1Peter 2:8
175. Isa. 9:1, 2His ministry to begin in GalileeMatthew 4:12-17
176. Isa. 9:6A child born-HumanityLuke 1:31
177. Isa. 9:6A Son given-DeityLuke 1:32, John 1:14, 1Tim. 3:16
178. Isa. 9:6Declared to be the Son of God with powerRomans 1:3, 4
179. Isa. 9:6The Wonderful One, PelehLuke 4:22
180. Isa. 9:6The Counsellor, YaatzMatthew 13:54
181. Isa. 9:6The Mighty God, El Gibor1Cor. 1:24, Titus 2:3
182. Isa. 9:6The Everlasting Father, Avi AdthJohn 8:58, 10:30
183. Isa. 9:6The Prince of Peace, Sar ShalomJohn 16:33
184. Isa. 9:7To establish an everlasting kingdomLuke 1:32-33
185. Isa. 9:7His Character-JustJohn 5:30
186. Isa. 9:7No end to his Government, Throne, and PeaceLuke 1:32-33
187. Isa. 11:1Called a Nazarene-the Branch, NetzerMatthew 2:23
188. Isa. 11:1A rod out of Jesse-Son of JesseLuke 3:23, 32
189. Isa. 11:2Anointed One by the SpiritMatthew 3:16, 17, Acts 10:38
190. Isa. 11:2His Character-Wisdom, Knowledge, et alColossians 2:3
191. Isa. 11:3He would know their thoughtsLuke 6:8, John 2:25
192. Isa. 11:4Judge in righteousnessActs 17:31
193. Isa. 11:4Judges with the sword of His mouthRev. 2:16, 19:11, 15
194. Isa. 11:5Character: Righteous & FaithfulRev. 19:11
195. Isa. 11:10The Gentiles seek HimJohn 12:18-21
196. Isa. 12:2Called Jesus-YeshuaMatthew 1:21
197. Isa. 22:22The One given all authority to governRevelation 3:7
198. Isa. 25:8The Resurrection predicted1Corinthians 15:54
199. Isa. 26:19His power of Resurrection predictedMatthew 27:50-54
200. Isa. 28:16The Messiah is the precious corner stoneActs 4:11, 12
201. Isa. 28:16The Sure Foundation1Corinthians 3:11, Mt. 16:18
202. Isa. 29:13He indicated hypocritical obedience to His WordMatthew 15:7-9
203. Isa. 29:14The wise are confounded by the Word1Corinthians 1:18-31
204. Isa. 32:2A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding placeMatthew 23:37
205. Isa. 35:4He will come and save youMatthew 1:21
206. Isa. 35:5-6To have a ministry of miraclesMatthew 11:2-6
207. Isa. 40:3, 4Preceded by forerunnerJohn 1:23
208. Isa. 40:9“Behold your God.”John 1:36; 19:14
209. Isa. 40:10.He will come to rewardRevelation 22:12
210. Isa. 40:11A shepherd-compassionate life-giverJohn 10:10-18
2101. Isa. 42:1-4The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemerMatthew 12:18-21
212. Isa. 42:2Meek and lowlyMatthew 11:28-30
213. Isa. 42:3He brings hope for the hopelessJohn 4
214. Isa. 42:4The nations shall wait on His teachingsJohn 12:20-26
215. Isa. 42:6The Light (salvation) of the GentilesLuke 2:32
216. Isa. 42:1, 6His is a worldwide compassionMatthew 28:19, 20
217. Isa. 42:7Blind eyes opened.John 9:25-38
218. Isa. 43:11He is the only Saviour.Acts 4:12
219. Isa. 44:3He will send the Spirit of GodJohn 16:7, 13
220. Isa. 45:21-25He is Lord and SaviourPhilippians 3:20, Titus 2:13
221. Isa. 45:23He will be the JudgeJohn 5:22; Romans 14:11
222. Isa. 46:9, 10Declares things not yet doneJohn 13:19
223. Isa. 48:12The First and the LastJohn 1:30, Revelation 1:8, 17
224. Isa. 48:16, 17He came as a TeacherJohn 3:2
225. Isa. 49:1Called from the womb-His humanityMatthew 1:18
226. Isa. 49:5A Servant from the womb.Luke 1:31, Philippians 2:7
227. Isa. 49:6He will restore IsraelActs 3:19-21, 15:16-17
228. Isa. 49:6He is Salvation for IsraelLuke 2:29-32
229. Isa. 49:6He is the Light of the GentilesJohn 8:12, Acts 13:47
230. Isa. 49:6He is Salvation unto the ends of the earthActs 15:7-18
231. Isa. 49:7He is despised of the NationJohn 1:11, 8:48-49, 19:14-15
232. Isa. 50:3Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliationLuke 23:44, 45
233. Isa. 50:4He is a learned counselor for the wearyMatthew 7:29, 11:28, 29
234. Isa. 50:5The Servant bound willingly to obedienceMatthew 26:39
235. Isa. 50:6a“I gave my back to the smiters.”Matthew 27:26
236. Isa. 50:6bHe was smitten on the cheeksMatthew 26:67
237. Isa. 50:6cHe was spat uponMatthew 27:30
238. Isa. 52:7Published good tidings upon mountainsMatthew 5:12,15:29,28:16
239. Isa. 52:13The Servant exaltedActs 1:8-11; Eph. 1:19-22, Php. 2:5-9
240. Isa. 52:14The Servant shockingly abusedLuke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
241. Isa. 52:15Nations startled by message of the ServantLuke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
242. Isa. 52:15His blood shed sprinkles nationsHebrews 9:13-14, Rev. 1:5
243. Isa. 53:1His people would not believe HimJohn 12:37-38
244. Isa. 53:2Appearance of an ordinary manPhilippians 2:6-8
245. Isa. 53:3aDespisedLuke 4:28-29
246. Isa. 53:3bRejectedMatthew 27:21-23
247. Isa. 53:3cGreat sorrow and griefMatthew 26:37-38, Luke 19:41, Heb. 4:15
248. Isa. 53:3dMen hide from being associated with HimMark 14:50-52
249. Isa. 53:4aHe would have a healing ministryMatthew 8:16-17
250. Isa. 53:4bThought to be cursed by GodMatthew 26:66, 27:41-43
251. Isa. 53:5aBears penalty for mankind’s iniquities2Cor. 5:21, Heb. 2:9
252. Isa. 53:5bHis sacrifice provides peace between man and GodColossians 1:20
253. Isa. 53:5cHis sacrifice would heal man of sin1Peter 2:24
254. Isa. 53:6aHe would be the sin-bearer for all mankind1John 2:2, 4:10
255. Isa. 53:6bGod’s will that He bear sin for all mankindGalatians 1:4
256. Isa. 53:7aOppressed and afflictedMatthew 27:27-31
257. Isa. 53:7bSilent before his accusersMatthew 27:12-14
258. Isa. 53:7cSacrificial lambJohn 1:29, 1Peter 1:18-19
259. Isa. 53:8aConfined and persecutedMatthew 26:47-27:31
260. Isa. 53:8bHe would be judgedJohn 18:13-22
261. Isa. 53:8cKilledMatthew 27:35
262. Isa. 53:8dDies for the sins of the world1John 2:2
263. Isa. 53:9aBuried in a rich man’s graveMatthew 27:57
264. Isa. 53:9bInnocent and had done no violenceLuke 23:41, John 18:38
265. Isa. 53:9cNo deceit in his mouth1Peter 2:22
266. Isa. 53:10aGod’s will that He die for mankindJohn 18:11
267. Isa. 53:10bAn offering for sinMatthew 20:28, Galatians 3:13
268. Isa. 53:10cResurrected and live foreverRomans 6:9
269. Isa. 53:10dHe would prosperJohn 17:1-5
270. Isa. 53:11aGod fully satisfied with His sufferingJohn 12:27
271. Isa. 53:11bGod’s servant would justify manRomans 5:8-9, 18-19
272. Isa. 53:11cThe sin-bearer for all mankindHebrews 9:28
273. Isa. 53:12aExalted by God because of his sacrificeMatthew 28:18
274. Isa. 53:12bHe would give up his life to save mankindLuke 23:46
275. Isa. 53:12cNumbered with the transgressorsMark 15:27-28
276. Isa. 53:12dSin-bearer for all mankind1Peter 2:24
277. Isa. 53:12eIntercede to God in behalf of mankindLuke 23:34, Rom. 8:34
278. Isa. 55:3Resurrected by GodActs 13:34
279. Isa. 55:4aA witnessJohn 18:37
280. Isa. 55:4bHe is a leader and commanderHebrews 2:10
281. Isa. 55:5God would glorify HimActs 3:13
282. Isa. 59:16aIntercessor between man and GodMatthew 10:32
283. Isa. 59:16bHe would come to provide salvationJohn 6:40
284. Isa. 59:20He would come to Zion as their RedeemerLuke 2:38
285. Isa. 60:1-3He would shew light to the GentilesActs 26:23
286. Isa. 61:1aThe Spirit of God upon himMatthew 3:16-17
287. Isa. 61:1bThe Messiah would preach the good newsLuke 4:16-21
288. Isa. 61:1cProvide freedom from the bondage of sinJohn 8:31-36
289. Isa. 61:1-2aProclaim a period of graceGalatians 4:4-5
290. Jer. 23:5-6Descendant of DavidLuke 3:23-31
291. Jer. 23:5-6The Messiah would be both God and ManJohn 13:13, 1Ti 3:16
292. Jer. 31:22Born of a virginMatthew 1:18-20
293. Jer. 31:31The Messiah would be the new covenantMatthew 26:28
294. Jer. 33:14-15Descendant of DavidLuke 3:23-31
295. Eze.34:23-24Descendant of DavidMatthew 1:1
296. Eze.37:24-25Descendant of DavidLuke 1:31-33
297. Dan. 2:44-45The Stone that shall break the kingdomsMatthew 21:44
298. Dan. 7:13-14aHe would ascend into heavenActs 1:9-11
299. Dan. 7:13-14bHighly exaltedEphesians 1:20-22
300. Dan. 7:13-14cHis dominion would be everlastingLuke 1:31-33
301. Dan. 9:24aTo make an end to sinsGalatians 1:3-5
302. Dan. 9:24aTo make reconciliation for iniquityRomans 5:10, 2Cor. 5:18-21
303. Dan. 9:24bHe would be holyLuke 1:35
304. Dan. 9:25His announcementJohn 12:12-13
305. Dan. 9:26aCut offMatthew 16:21, 21:38-39
306. Dan. 9:26bDie for the sins of the worldHebrews 2:9
307. Dan. 9:26cKilled before the destruction of the templeMatthew 27:50-51
308. Dan. 10:5-6Messiah in a glorified stateRevelation 1:13-16
309. Hos. 11:1He would be called out of EgyptMatthew 2:15
310. Hos. 13:14He would defeat death1Corinthians 15:55-57
311. Joel 2:32Offer salvation to all mankindRomans 10:9-13
312. Jonah 1:17Death and resurrection of ChristMatthew 12:40, 16:4
313. Mic. 5:2aBorn in BethlehemMatthew 2:1-6
314. Mic. 5:2bRuler in IsraelLuke 1:33
315. Mic. 5:2cFrom everlastingJohn 8:58
316. Hag. 2:6-9He would visit the second TempleLuke 2:27-32
317. Hag. 2:23Descendant of ZerubbabelLuke 2:27-32
318. Zech. 3:8God’s servantJohn 17:4
319. Zech. 6:12-13Priest and KingHebrews 8:1
320. Zech. 9:9aGreeted with rejoicing in JerusalemMatthew 21:8-10
321. Zech. 9:9bBeheld as KingJohn 12:12-13
322. Zech. 9:9cThe Messiah would be justJohn 5:30
323. Zech. 9:9dThe Messiah would bring salvationLuke 19:10
324. Zech. 9:9eThe Messiah would be humbleMatthew 11:29
325. Zech. 9:9fPresented to Jerusalem riding on a donkeyMatthew 21:6-9
326. Zech. 10:4The cornerstoneEphesians 2:20
327. Zech. 11:4-6aAt His coming, Israel to have unfit leadersMatthew 23:1-4
328. Zech. 11:4-6bRejection causes God to remove His protectionLuke 19:41-44
329. Zech. 11:4-6cRejected in favor of another kingJohn 19:13-15
330. Zech. 11:7Ministry to “poor,” the believing remnantMatthew 9:35-36
331. Zech. 11:8aUnbelief forces Messiah to reject themMatthew 23:33
332. Zech. 11:8bDespisedMatthew 27:20
333. Zech. 11:9Stops ministering to those who rejected HimMatthew 13:10-11
334. Zech. 11:10-11aRejection causes God to remove protectionLuke 19:41-44
335. Zech. 11:10-11bThe Messiah would be GodJohn 14:7
336. Zech. 11:12-13aBetrayed for thirty pieces of silverMatthew 26:14-15
337. Zech. 11:12-13bRejectedMatthew 26:14-15
338. Zech. 11:12-13cThirty pieces of silver cast in the house of the LordMatthew 27:3-5
339. Zech. 11:12-13dThe Messiah would be GodJohn 12:45
340. Zech. 12:10aThe Messiah’s body would be piercedJohn 19:34-37
341. Zech. 12:10bThe Messiah would be both God and manJohn 10:30
342. Zech. 12:10cThe Messiah would be rejectedJohn 1:11
343. Zech. 13:7aGod’s will He die for mankindJohn 18:11
344. Zech. 13:7bA violent deathMark 14:27
345. Zech. 13:7cBoth God and manJohn 14:9
346. Zech. 13:7dIsrael scattered as a result of rejecting HimMatthew 26:31-56
347. Zech. 14:4He would return to the Mt. of OlivesActs 1:11-12
348. Mal. 3:1aMessenger to prepare the way for MessiahMark 1:1-8
349. Mal. 3:1bSudden appearance at the templeMark 11:15-16
350. Mal. 3:1cMessenger of the new covenantLuke 4:43
351. Mal. 3:6The God who changes notHebrews 13:8
352. Mal. 4:5Forerunner in spirit of ElijahMt. 3:1-3, 11:10-14, 17:11-13
353. Mal. 4:6Forerunner would turn many to righteousnessLuke 1:16-17


“Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed, Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29


It was the walk with Jesus by someone else that inspired me.  Since age 25, I have had a walk with Jesus, but it is a non-physical spiritual walk of faith.  In my walk, I can’t see His form, His eyes, His hair, His face, nor hear His kind voice, but there were two disciples who could. Their story is recorded in the new testament for our encouragement and contemplation.  (We will look at this story in the next post.) Parts of their 3-hour conversation with Him was recorded because our Creator wants to help us in our walk of Faith.  This is not my opinion.  Jesus said it!

“…these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31

My questions is this: Do I have “life in His name”? Is my experience all about heaven and the hereafter or the “here-now”?  May I propose to you that if we are not having a “here-now” experience with Jesus, we won’t have a “hereafter” experience with Him either.  It all starts here!  Now!

Don’t have this?  Your journey can start now….or perhaps it has already started and you just don’t know it.  Perhaps, if you have been on your Jesus journey for many years, you don’t have the assurance that you have eternal life.

Jesus said this to Thomas when He appeared to this doubter some 8 days after Jesus’ resurrection,

“Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed, Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29

Thomas had heard that Jesus was alive from people who would not lie to him i.e., the other disciples who had seen Him. But, Thomas wanted his own experience; not one based on the word of others. He was a doubter despite their convincing words.  So, Jesus accommodated him and appeared to him.

But, wouldn’t Thomas have an advantage over us in the faith department because he could actually see and feel the hands and side of Jesus?  Is faith built only on what you see?  No! In the verse above, it indicates our experience is blessed by believing even though we have not seen.  But, how does this work?

Are we going to be like Thomas and say,

“Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”  John 20:25

Let’s be real.  It is highly unlikely that Jesus is going to appear to any of us in our bedroom and say,

“Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Take your hand, and put it into my side. Stop doubting, and believe.”

John 20:27

Our faith in Jesus comes from three main sources available to everyone:


The Bible

Other Real People (Not REALigious people)



It is by observing and contemplating the beauty of life….a squirming warm new-born human, calf, puppy, or anything new to the world through the act of birth and procreation…the laughter, smile, and innocence of a small child.  (They have more of the image of God at this point than any other time)….the wisdom of a bright-eyed old man who has been there before you….large mountains with a hat of ice and snow…the laughing lapping of the ocean waves against the shore at sunset…the colorful creatures swimming past you in the waters off Cozumel….the intricate detail and webbing of an opening spring flower to receive the life-giving sun rays…the sound of the morning birds outside your window bursting with the praise of its Creator. It is because of the signature of God on Creation that He says we can know Him….even the “invisible” things of Him…things we can’t see!

From the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly observed in what he made. As a result, people have no excuse.

Romans 1:20

Do you catch that? We have no excuse to be an unbeliever.  Creation is available for all to see, touch, hear, taste.  If we open our minds and be honest and logical, we will not only know there is a Creator, but we will know some things about Him.


The Bible

This book is no accident.  It is not just a collection of 40 different authors separated by hundreds of years and three different continents with an agenda to deceive people.  If it had just one author, as do some religions, I would be skeptical too.

 It is in the number of different books, authors, and cultures preserved for thousands of years who agree about Jesus, which gives the basis for faith.

Have you failed to see Jesus in the Old Testament?  Has your experience been based only on the New Testament?  You are missing something…at least 39 books of the 66!  That is 59% of the story you are missing if you don’t visit the old testament! It is estimated that there are over 400 prophecies in the Old Testament about the first and second coming of Jesus.

I can say this with confidence because of the story that we will see in the next post.  Jesus himself exclaimed to his disciples this very thing when He appeared to them after His resurrection.    Once they understood that Jesus was throughout scripture, they went from fearful men hiding behind closed doors on the first day of the week, to week-long believers of Jesus willing to lay down their life for telling the truth about Jesus!

  It is a life-giving gospel of love and peace for all people unlike the hatred and control of other religions we are seeing modern times.

It is difficult if not impossible to ignore the word of God during the week and snack on it occasionally and be a solid believer in Jesus.  It was written that we might believe Jesus.  That Bible given to you by your grandmother with its 66 books is all about Him! Yes, that means Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy…you name it.  Here is how I know.

Jesus gave a Bible study to two disciples who had just witnessed his death a few days earlier.  They were walking away from the massive head wound of discouragement.  Their faith was near death. It was at the pinnacle of their hurt that Jesus showed up and encouraged them.  They went from the depths of doubt, despair, and unbelief to their “hearts burning” within them. As I mentioned, we will look at this next time.


The Experience of other real people (Not REALigious)

It was the experience of these two men that inspired men and continues even to this day.  In my life I have seen some miraculous working of God in people’s lives.  I have seen atheists turned into believer in Jesus (I am one of them).  It is their testimony that is powerful in the dispelling of doubt.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony

Revelation 12:11


When I was younger, a friend and I received an invitation to give Bib

When I was younger, a friend and I received an invitation to give Bible studies to the mother and daughter of a young African-American man who was now a follower of Christ. He had given up his life as a professional fighter to follow Jesus. He wanted his family to know the beauty of God’s word. This is a powerful story in itself, but I will save it for another time.

On a frosty night in Nashville, Tennessee, I met with my friend to give the first of the Bible studies. We walked into the very poor apartment complex near downtown Nashville wearing our ties and suits (We had just come from work that required us to dress this way.). We carried our Bibles also. Needless to say, we stuck out in our appearance.

As we passed by a group of young men warming themselves by a dumpster, recently set ablaze, one of them asked, “Where are you going?” We told him, “To give a Bible study.” The words came out of my fear-lumped throat, “Come join us!” We had reason to fear because one of them said, “I have a gun.”

One of them showed up as a massive shadow in the doorway to the poor apartment! He sat down quietly and with a threat in his eyes. The massive shadow said nothing when he arrived and nothing when he left, but you could see trouble in his face and the way he carried himself.

As I gave the study about the life of Jesus, the rats scampered about…even under my feet! But, they did not distract from the beautiful story of Jesus’ love for all of mankind. Nevertheless, we never again saw the young man, with the big shadow, at the studies.

Several months later, I sat with my family in church waiting for the service to begin when my friend came up to me and asked me to come back to the vestibule. He wanted me to see something he said I was not going to believe.

I got up respectfully and walked to the back of the main auditorium and through the doors. Standing before me was the massive shadow who we had seen by the burning dumpster! His eyes said it all. I walked up to him and said, “You have Jesus in your life!” You could see in his eyes and face the transformation from a troubled soul to a man of peace because of his Savior who had been welcomed into this man’s life.

Somehow, our little time together on that frosty night led him to search for Jesus and he found Him. His experience reminded me of two great truths. God’s word, will never return to void and if someone searches for Jesus, they will find him.

“My word, which comes from my mouth, is like the rain and snow. It will not come back to me without results. It will accomplish whatever I want and achieve whatever I send it to do.”

Isaiah 55:11

And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13

Next time, we will look at the walk with Jesus by the two disciples and how it can help us with doubt in our life, but even more importantly, how it can help us on our Jesus journey.

Blessings my friends.

REAL FAITH PART – Failure to Launch

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation 1 Peter 2:2 NIV.

Perhaps you saw Failure to Launch, a 2006 American romantic comedy film starring Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. The film focuses on a 35-year-old man who lives in the home of his parents and shows no interest in leaving the comfortable life his parents, especially his mother, have made for him there. It grossed over $128 million at the box office.

Sadly, the story of sons and daughters staying at home longer is now an official growing phenomenon of our modern society.

PEW Research Center shows some interesting figures regarding this fact:

As of 2016, 15% of 25 to 35-year-old Millennials were living in their parents’ homes. This is five percentage points higher than the share of Generation Xers who lived in their parents’ home in 2000 when they were the same age (10%), and nearly double the share of the Silent Generation who lived at home in 1964 (8%).

The idea of failing to launch or grow up and take on life’s responsibilities is also real in the Christian experience. Often, in scripture, the Christian is encouraged to grow up and progress in their journey with Jesus. The followers of Jesus can get comfortable in their experience…comfortable in their regular pew and programs at church. They can get comfortable in their lives; they don’t want any inconveniences, including progressing in their experience with Christ, because it might crimp their style of living. Their environment and knowledge of Christ are considered sufficient, and “they have need of nothing.” (See Revelation 3:17)

Milk is Not a Long Term Diet for Babies

This morning, my wife and I watched funny baptisms on Facebook. It provided us with a burst of early-morning laughter! The really funny clips were of children who said and did unexpected things while standing in the baptistry. For example, one cute little 4-year-old couldn’t wait for the pastor to finish his pre-baptism speech. All of a sudden, he said, “Let’s do this.” Then he proceeded to baptize himself by holding his nose and dunking under the water! As cute as this was, I am tempted to mention why many ministers/pastors are uncomfortable with the baptism (or sprinkling) of infants or small children before they become aware of its meaning and purpose. At an early age, they have not experienced the burden of sin and guilt, repentance, and walking in the newness of life under the power of the Spirit of God.

The symbol of baptism is one of new beginnings, i.e., death, burial, and resurrection to a new life in Christ.

Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4

Baptism is not another item to check on the list of requirements for salvation. Like all works, baptism is evidence of salvation…a public display of a changed heart…not a method of salvation. We will save that discussion for another time.

The verse today talks about babies in spiritual terms. When we come to Christ, our Jesus Journey has just begun, and we are directed to “grow up in your salvation.” Like a hungry baby, we should desire pure spiritual milk. It is this milk of God’s word that is the elementary beginnings of the Christian walk. It is the simple teachings that start us on our Jesus Journey. If the baby stays on milk alone, eventually, growth will be stunted, and they will fail to launch.

The Lord made the requirements for salvation so simple that even a child can understand it. It is milk. But we are to “move on” in our Christian experience.

Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection. Hebrews 6:1

Failure to Grow Will Result in Death or, at the least, Stunted Mediocracy.

Our experience and understanding of God’s deep word should accelerate growth and prepare us for employment in the work of God and handling the tough things of life. Failure to grow results can be the death of the Christian experience. The analogy of a baby and its milk can be compared to the soil of Jesus parable (See Matthew 13: 18-23), where growth stops due to the challenges of the world and the stunted person produces nothing. But, the person who grows in God and His word produces fruit in their life and the lives of others.

When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside. But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy;  yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles.  Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Matthew 13: 19-23

Notice that all (but one) of the “hearers of the word of the kingdom”, failed to launch or grow up into a stable-rooted citizen of God’s kingdom. Their experience died or was stunted without “growing up into salvation” and “bearing fruit.” Don’t miss the importance of the words of Jesus! He is warning us about what stunts the growth of a Christian. Here is a list of their problems and counsel:

Hearer #1 is not pursuing understanding. An enemy snatches it away. Satan can work through people to argue away what they have learned. Counsel: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed .2 Timothy 2:15 …always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear 1 Peter 3:15. Become a student of the Bible. Keep notes and evidence of what you learn.

Hearer #2 receives it with joy! This person lives off emotional song services and emotional sermons. Spiritual life is only about weekly service and their own religion. They have no roots and stumble. Counsel: “Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness.” Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up. James 4: 9-10 Learn and embrace the other emotions of the Bible, such as being humble and caring. Study and practice God’s word to build up roots. When trouble comes your way, fall at the feet of Jesus and give Him a chance to resolve things. Operate on faith and not feelings. Become a servant to others! Find your joy in community service.

Hearer #3 simply hears the word, but there is no evidence of faith. They hear God’s promises but don’t have faith to believe. They focus on the problems of his life rather than the Problem Solver. Counsel: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11: 29 and do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34. Take a few promises, understand their conditions (if any), and put your full weight upon them. More word of God equals more faith.

Hearer #4 hears, understands, grows, produces. These people are doers of the word…not just hearers. They trust God and His word alone. Their relationship is with God and not just with the church. This person can defend their faith. They put themselves where they can be blessed and useful. They understand their gifts and uses them to produce fruit in their own life and the lives of others. God’s word is supreme over all things in this follower’s life.

Let God Do His Perfect Work in You

Paul scolded the Hebrew believers for not growing up, not eating stronger food, and not going on to become mature in the Lord for service to others.

“…By this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!” Hebrews 5:12

Let us never think we can reach a certain point in our walk with God and remain as a baby dependent on simple milk. We should never assume we have received all the truth we could possibly receive and there is nothing more to learn or do. We should constantly be learning, walking, and working for the Lord so that we might be useful and strong citizens of the kingdom of God.

If we humbly allow God to work in our lives by placing ourselves each day, where he can bless our experience, we will grow, and God will do His perfect work in us:

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands. Psalm 138: 8

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:4

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

The Christian Experience must be progressive and not stagnant. The follower of Jesus must put forth an effort (under the Lord’s guidance and power) and not become spiritually lazy. Every day is a new day to learn something more about God and His ways. No plans or thoughts should be made unless first seeking the Lord.

While we are not to remain babies in our walk with God, we are to become like little children in trust in Him. As we learn how to trust in Him, we will grow up in our salvation and take on the qualities that both please Him and make us productive for the kingdom of God.

 ….for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness,  to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.

Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things, you will never stumble;  for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 1: 5-11

“Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your very first work. Let your prayer be, “Take me, O Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee.” This is a daily matter. Each morning, consecrate yourself to God for that day. Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried out or given up as His providence shall indicate. Thus, day by day, you may be giving your life into the hands of God, and thus, your life will be molded more and more after the life of Christ.”

” Steps to Christ, p. 70

Real Faith-A Missing Experience- Part 1

“…without faith it is impossible to please Him.  Hebrews 11:6

The objective of these studies:

What can be done in our own experience to “increase our faith”? Jesus said,

“Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20

If this is possible, why do we fall apart at the least sign of trouble?  There is something missing in our experience if our faith is thinner than tissue paper.

What are we missing when we raise our children in the church, but they easily forsake their “faith” after high school?  

Recently, I read the story of a young man (Luke) who was raised in the church and attended church schools; his father a pastor and mother a volunteer missionary.  But, through a series of events and random thoughts, he turned to atheism fueled by reading material of unbelievers.  In his own words:

“I went to church, Bible study, and other church functions every week. I prayed often and earnestly. For 12 years I attended a Christian school that taught Bible classes and creation science. I played in worship bands. As a teenager I made trips to China and England to tell the atheists over there about Jesus.”

His downfall began (as does many youth) around college age.  He wrote on his little-visited blog the following:

“*Around age 19 I got depressed, probably because I did nothing but work at Wal-Mart, download music, and watch internet porn. But one day I saw a leaf twirling in the wind and it was so beautiful – like the twirling plastic bag in the movie American Beauty. I had an epiphany. I realized that everything in nature was a gift from God to me. Grass, lakes, trees, sunsets – all these were gifts of beauty from my Savior to me. I thought of this every time I [saw something beautiful, and God delivered me from my depression (and my porn addiction).”

While this sounds like a very good epiphany (i.e. the contemplation of God’s goodness and creation can deliver someone from depression), it would not stick for Luke.  He goes on to talk about his doubt and dislike of “church structure” and “petty doctrinal disputes.” Soon, he was reading books to discover the historical Jesus and picked up books that brought confusion and lies. He was “shocked” by these “Christian Scholars.”  For example, the author of these books reported “The gospels were written decades after Jesus’ death, by non-eyewitnesses.”  Of course the gospels were written “decades after Jesus’ death.” They were busy taking the “gospel to the world.”  But, how are the “Christian Scholars’” claims verified against the gospel writers’ assurance, that they were eyewitness of Jesus:

 “For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” 1 Peter 1:16

“Inasmuch as many have taken in hand to set in order a narrative of those things which have been fulfilled among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word delivered them to us,” Luke 1:1,2

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life—“ 1 John 1:1

Despite Luke’s upbringing, he had some things going against him. One is taking the word of others without investigation and use of common sense.  Based on Luke’s experience and others, there are some elements in the failure of faith.

Enemies of Faith:

Situations or condition of the life:

  1. Depression.
  2. Need for constant entertainment or being busy.
  3. Sexual pressure and fantasies about doing anything your flesh and imagination desires.
  4. Peer Pressure.
  5. Not desiring or asking for faith.
  6. Disasters and death.

Social and Dogmatic Religion:

  1. A religious faith based on feelings alone.
  2. Minimal knowledge of the Bible and experience to defend one’s faith in Jesus.
  3. Confusion created by unbelievers.
  4. Indulgent reading of non-believer writings. This puts the reader on the enemy’s ground similar to Eve wandering into the area God had forbidden. They become easy targets. it is in the “higher learning” environments which become a breeding ground for confusion on spiritual matters. University can talk religion with negative terms, but positive terms and evidence are not allowed in a majority of cases.
  5. Relying on the faith of parents/relatives and pastoral teachings, but failing to grow in personal experience.
  6. Denominationalism.
  7. Human reasoning.
  8. Inconsistencies and hypocrisies of Christians

Drop Out Kids

Christianity Today ( How Many Are Really Dropping Out?) reports:

“Church attendance among teens and young adults follows some important patterns. There are always some coming and some going. Yet something significant happens between the ages of 17 and 19 that accounts for the vast majority of those who leave. At age 17, the twice-monthly attendance of our study sample drops as follows”:

  • 16–17, drop 10%
  • 17–18, drop 14%
  • 18–19, drop 13%

“Between 17 and 19 is where the drop takes place. Our study was of those who attended regularly for at least a year in high school—so our sample is not representative of all teens and young adults, but clearly something is happening in that age range.”

A Similar Personal Experience:

I have also, like many others, had similar experiences as a young person. After good influences through high school, but a minimal religious experience, I turned to atheism in college encouraged by one particular middle-eastern professor who proudly proclaimed that religion was a man-made experience. This is an easy claim to make without any proof.  It didn’t take much to turn me to atheism with all the so-called scientific claims about origins and the unpopularity of Christians on campus. Anyway, I wanted to live it up without any moral restrictions. 

If you take out an intelligent Creator, you are left to the random chance of evolution.  The thought or your origins and ancestors being lower life forms leave little meaning and purpose to life.  Your self-value is reduced to a parasite passing through the eons of time to awake in life and die shortly thereafter. Life had little meaning to me as an atheist and evolutionist. 

Then at age 25, my Christian wife dared me to study the Bible to prove her wrong.  For almost 3 months, I studied intently the claims of the Bible writers, particularly about Jesus.  I was surprised at what I found.  My own private studies blew up my pre-conceived ideas about Jesus and the inspired writers of the old and new testaments.  Soon I followed the urging of the writers to allow Jesus to come into my life.  I discovered faith (trust) in God’s word by simply reading it.  Soon, I was coming to my wife to proclaim my conversion and was baptized.  I immediately began the work of an evangelist through prison ministry, radio ministry, writing, teaching and expounding to anyone who had an ear to hear. Later, I will tell you the story about my failure-of-faith experience and how God brought me back to where I am today. This experience taught me about real faith and attacks that can occur to weaken faith.

Luke went from “believer” to “unbeliever.” I, like many others, did the opposite i.e. unbeliever to believer.  But the believing experience followed by faith is almost impossible without the word of God and the good news contained in the plan of salvation. 

“…faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”  Romans 10:17

This faith journey is challenged from every angle.

Jesus told a parable to a vast multitude, which was explained to his disciples about how people react to God’s word.  In the story of the seeds and where they fell (See Luke 8: 5-15), Jesus tells the story of what happens to faith that does not sprout and the one that produces an abundance of fruit. This parable provides insight to the enemies of faith.  This we will study later. For now, we need a clear understanding of the word faith. 

What is Faith:

Faith is the core of Christian experience and also of the human experience whether you believe in the Bible or Jesus at all. Faith is exercised by every person every day.

The word faith is used 391 times in both the old and new testaments (NKJV). The bible writers had 6 words for faith (3 in Hebrew and 3 Greek). In modern life, the definition of faith in the English language has two internet definitions:

  1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Merriam-Webster ads a typical understanding of how we use faith in the terms of religion:

  • Something that is believed especially with strong convictiona system of religious beliefs

The idea that faith requires “spiritual apprehension rather than proof” is what people often term “blind faith.”  But the Bible writers taught, for the most part, a faith that is precisely the opposite of blind faith.  The writer of Hebrews defines faith as something that has substance and evidence.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Hebrews 11 goes on to describe those who exercised faith.  All of them are based on “substance and evidence.”  What are the “things not seen”?  This we will review later.  As we study, we will see that the better definition for Christians is #1 above: “Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” I would add that this trust is based on evidence, experience, and something you can observe.”

Faith is something every human being that has ever lived (including atheists) has used…whether on a human or spiritual level. Everyone has put their trust in something and served it.  Like that great prophet Bob Dylan wrote:

You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side
You may be workin’ in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair
You may be somebody’s mistress, may be somebody’s heir

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.

Songwriters: Bob Dylan

Gotta Serve Somebody lyrics © Audiam, Inc

[i] Commonsenseatheism.com

I Am Not A Scientist

I am not (as well as a majority of people on planet earth) a scientist…at least not by dedicated study and degree, According to The US Science and Engineering Workforce study (11/2017), there are about 7 Million scientists in the US.or approximately 2-3% of the population. An even smaller percentage is dedicated to the sciences of life and our beginnings.

But, like Solomon, (if I can be so bold to compare myself to the wisest man to ever live outside of Jesus) I am fascinated by the study of our world. I love science when fairly applied using the fundamentals of discovery.

But, most scientists enter the world of discovery with a pre-determined outcome of the evidence because of personal, philosophical, and ancestral world-views about life rather than letting the facts lead to truth. If Christians are honest, we have the same fault of pre-determining truth by traditions and our own worldview.

But, the laws of non-contradiction is correct, and I believe it is, we can’t both be right about the existence or non-existence of God. The difference between the scientist and the Christian is not a matter of intelligence, but rather how much confidence we place in the authorities in our fields of interest and our own unpressured study.

For the follower of Christ, our confidence is in the written word and the unscientific proclamations of its writers. The Bible, when studied with an open mind, makes sense and provides the proof of a Creator using faith and the scientific method of observation. But most of all, the conclusion adds meaning to life and peace to the soul. Here the evolutionist has no card to play.

“Oddly enough, of all the worlds in collision today, it is the scientific world that is increasingly giving the greatest and most shocking evidence in favor of God’s existence.” (The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict,–Josh McDowell– p. 10)

Scientists today who are fair with the evidence around us question some of the so-called scientific icons of life existence and beginnings. When the scientific community proclaims that a theory, such as Darwinism or evolution, is irrefutable fact, it goes against its own.scientific methods of testing and verification. When it doesn’t allow for further discovery, it has become like the stubborn Bible-thumping people it despises and minimizes.

“Over the years, scientists such as Michael Behe have challenged the ‘facts’ of science from a scientific methodology. Works such as Behe’s BLACK BOX THE BIOCHEMICAL CHALLENGE TO EVOLUTION in which he states evidence from biochemistry that refutes Darwinian evolution, have ushered in a new age of critique of Darwin’s theory.” (ibid)

Our Creator made us with eyes to see and ears to hear the things of this world. He also created the brain as command-central. All three, among other parts, had to be working at one time to function. There was no eye rolling around trying to see because it didn’t have a brain or a command-central with nothing to command. There was no heart waiting for the evolving of blood and veins or vice versa…All had to be present at once to have functional value.

Another wise man (David) said,

“The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”

Psalm 14:1 (first part)

The Hebrew word for “fool” is “nabal.” It indicates not only “stupidity” but also “vileness.” The remainder of the verse would confirm this thought….

“They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.”

Psalm 14:1 (second part)

Paul added to the idea of David’s fool statement when he said that man is “without excuse” concerning the existence of God due to the ability to observe creation.

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,”

Romans 1: 20

No, I am not a scientist and it is extremely likely that you are not either, but God has given us the ability and the tools for inductive and deductive reasoning powers to see and understand not only his existence but the deep things of His being even the complicated topic of the Godhead.Like the scientists of this world, God invites us to base our faith (trust) in Him on evidence and substance of things we can’t see. This is faith!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

It is peace to the soul to “Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves” Psalm 100: 3